
this message may be offensive
so, uh, guess who just graduated from her first college? 
          	the reality hasn't set in that i just graduated from community college with an associate's degree at 20 years old, but i know that it will soon. me and my partner just spent the whole day together. we graduated together, and we feel like some of the proudest people in the world. i literally can't believe it. i did it. 
          	you know what that means? more time to focus on my hobby before i get a job and license and eventually go back to college again. this time, for another four years. i'm so excited. i can take just a little break before i end up suffocating myself in books once again, and i can't wait for that time again. especially now that i have a partner whom understands my passion for education (considering he graduated with a 4.0 GPA, both of us are in the same international honor society, and because he's maintained a 4.0 GPA for the longest time). 
          	so, yeah! i graduated from my first stretch of college! i'm so proud of myself. two long years of challenges, hardships, obstacles, and a shit-ton of reconsidering and backing out. i did it. and i did it with a 3.7 GPA, and i passed my final semester with straight A's. 
          	i hope to update my books as much as i can for the time being. hopefully, that means that i can take more time into each chapter and make them more enjoyable to read. because i won't stop with the smut. i refuse. i love it. it's a form of expression for me. and my partner loves it, too, which is so nice. 
          	i hope to give you guys some good content here in the near future! much love! <3


this message may be offensive
so, uh, guess who just graduated from her first college? 
          the reality hasn't set in that i just graduated from community college with an associate's degree at 20 years old, but i know that it will soon. me and my partner just spent the whole day together. we graduated together, and we feel like some of the proudest people in the world. i literally can't believe it. i did it. 
          you know what that means? more time to focus on my hobby before i get a job and license and eventually go back to college again. this time, for another four years. i'm so excited. i can take just a little break before i end up suffocating myself in books once again, and i can't wait for that time again. especially now that i have a partner whom understands my passion for education (considering he graduated with a 4.0 GPA, both of us are in the same international honor society, and because he's maintained a 4.0 GPA for the longest time). 
          so, yeah! i graduated from my first stretch of college! i'm so proud of myself. two long years of challenges, hardships, obstacles, and a shit-ton of reconsidering and backing out. i did it. and i did it with a 3.7 GPA, and i passed my final semester with straight A's. 
          i hope to update my books as much as i can for the time being. hopefully, that means that i can take more time into each chapter and make them more enjoyable to read. because i won't stop with the smut. i refuse. i love it. it's a form of expression for me. and my partner loves it, too, which is so nice. 
          i hope to give you guys some good content here in the near future! much love! <3


what's up, guys?
          so, i've got some wonderful news! I PASSED MY CERTIFICATION EXAM! i am now a certified medical assistant! i can finally relax a bit and focus a little bit more on my writing! 
          it's been amazing. i'm going back for a semester and paying for phlebotomy, just so i can have a bit more experience under my belt. 
          so, now i can focus on more relaxing things, like my writing!


@melt_brain I love that fr, it lines up so well- lmao 


@_KiwiCat_ for sure. bae and i are gonna celebrate when he has time in between work. and we plan on doing lightsaber fights on graduation, since it’s on may the fourth XD


@melt_brain as you should! I’m hoping you’re treating yourself to a day to yourself to relax and unwind, cause you deserve it! <3


so, uh, if the last two chapters of my book didn’t give it away: 
          surprise! i have a boyfriend again! he’s amazing. 
          no, hes not the reason my books have been coming out so slowly. actually, school is the main reason. 
          basically, i decided to make my stress even worse by signing up for a section of the healthcare technician program at my college, and those classes have kinda been kicking me straight in the nuts with how strenuous the work load has been. 
          the work itself isn’t the problem to me. it’s the clinicals. “oh, but you have to job shadow if you want to be in the medical field!” 
          i know. duh. the problem is that these days and times were thrown on all of us so last minute. i’m literally cramming all of my days into four whole weeks, and it’s been really draining on my fragile body. i haven’t done this much since before i was sick, so my body hasn’t had the proper walk into the world of possible job opportunities. 
          i promise you that i haven’t forgotten about this app, nor have i forgotten about my books. this stuff just has to get put on hold, because i am exactly one week away from my medical assistant certification exam, and im two weeks away from graduating my first college. yes, i said first. 
          it’s been really stressful on me. i haven’t had any time to unwind and really focus on my books and free time hobbies. even my most recent chapters were rushed and sound incomplete. 
          they’ll get updated and fixed soon, though. promise! 


so, my book updating is going a bit slower than i’d hoped. i’m really putting my all into this one. it’s my first ever original idea, and i’m hoping other people like it as much as me. 
          the problem is, i’ve been so busy with school work that i have completely neglected this one and continued to work on my mega project. i think it’s because it’s a fresh idea every chapter, and it isn’t all formed from one singular prompt. i’m not sure exactly. 
          however, i have been thinking about doing multiple books at once, kind of like when my profile was older, and i was making multiple books all in the span of a few weeks, but i don’t want it to flop like my other ones. i don’t want to purely be known as the “horror movie writer” because that isn’t all me. i want to be able to be known for my erotic books that aren’t taking ideas from other characters. i want to make myself my own writer with aspirations of being the next erotic young adult writer. 
          i’m hoping ideas starting coming to me and fast, because if this writer’s block keeps weighing me down, i’m going to have to start from scratch. and i don’t want to do that while eight chapters into my book. 
          fingers crossed things work out!


hello, hello, hello!
          the first six chapters of my book are almost ready to be published! i'm so excited to see how this one will work out compared to my other ones. knowing me, however, and all of the recognition my other books have gotten, this one may not be received well. 
          however, i'm not going to let that stop me. i'm so excited for this book to be completed. i've worked so hard on it, and i'm only seven chapters in. so, i'm looking forward to how it'll possibly end.


hello, hello! 
          i'm currently in the process of, you won't believe it: a book. an actual, fleshed out and descriptive book. I'm about four chapters in, and so far, this book may be something i am actually proud of. i took a lot of time to plan this out and weigh my pros and cons of writing it, and i've had a bunch of people who take journaling and creative writing classes check the book and the chapters i've had so far, and even they love it! 
          i will do my best to at least post a few chapters of it when i get the chance, but for right now, it's sitting in my notes app as a little project. it's in its draft phase, something i can go and edit later, but i'm hoping my readers and followers like it and vote on it. 
          hopefully this goes well, because i'm very proud of the work i've put in so far.


i love going back and re-editing my previously published chapters. 
          my chapters in my books are long already, but i love adding more when i get the inspiration. i wanted more of a longer erotic book, putting more thought into my chapters instead of just going right into the sex. and i'm really happy with my updates and book. 
          i would really appreciate the reads and votes. they really help me out and push me to continue with my steady updates and published content. thanks!


hey, guys! 
          i hope you all had a very merry christmas! if you celebrate any other holiday, i hope you got what you asked for, hoped you ate good food, spent some time with family, or whatever other tradition you have for your holiday. 
          i got a mac for christmas! so, i'm hoping my chapters can be worked out a little bit better. yeah, i have an iPad, but i also used that for school and other things as well, and i wanted to minimize the usage of it so i can make it last a bit longer. 
          i'm hoping, fingers crossed, that i can get some good chapters out, or that i can have some new book ideas! hope everyone had a happy holidays!


so, wattpad just deleted a chapter of mine with over 3,000+ words, and i wasn’t finished with it :/ so i have to start the entire thing over again. i didn’t even select that draft as one to be deleted. and of course, you can’t recover old drafts you’ve deleted, so i have to start from scratch. 
          today has been one of those days where if it can go wrong, it will go wrong. love it. 

          the first seven chapters of my book have been published. please go show this some love. i have been in the middle of a serious emotional breakdown, and this book has been my little release. 
          as always, please be mindful that this is a mature book. this is about horror movies. i mean, come on. there really isn’t much to say about that. but please show this book some love. my sequel is in the works, too, so those will be published here soon!