
A long overdue update is finally coming tomorrow for 'Twisted'. And as an extra treat I'll post a bonus chapter ;) Hope you like it. And thanks for being patient with me, there were some things I had to work through before continuing. xx


A long overdue update is finally coming tomorrow for 'Twisted'. And as an extra treat I'll post a bonus chapter ;) Hope you like it. And thanks for being patient with me, there were some things I had to work through before continuing. xx


Hey Everybody! :) 
          I finally published my new work here on wattpad. I'm several chapters in and  super excited. The next update will be on Friday and then i'll follow an update schedule, Tuesdays and Fridays.
          Please check it out and tell me what you think.  Thanks xx


@Mpr91798 Thank you :) I look forward to reading your feedback when you do get the chance to check it out xx


@metacc  I came across your story today and the introduction is well written and sounds interesting. It'll be awhile because I work a lot and when I have free time I have been working on my current book but I'm curious to check it out. Well done


Thanks for reading and voting! Glad that you are enjoying my story x


@Lu_Rai aww 5hanks :-D need to go over grammar and punctuation but yh xxx


@Lu_Rai Np:) It's amazing and seriously underrated! deserve way more votes.. 