
/ cb & specify < 3 


/ curious pls? 


I'm sorry, are you telling me that you voluntarily came looking for /me/?


            [       THE HUFFLEPUFF       smiled for a moment ,      faint amusement passing        over her features .      ]       why are you making       it sound like       I’m trying to sabotage you ?        . . .       I didn’t think        people were      restricted to only      talking to people       of our own houses      .           [         she added  ,      before she started fiddling with       a loose thread on her sleeve .        she breathed out     .       ]         look , I came       to apologise      on behalf of     my brother     and his friends    —     well ,    they didn’t    / send / me—      I came on my own—.    [        she paused ,    before shaking her head .       she was rambling .      ]       the point is ,     the pranks they do ,  no matter how       ‘ minor ‘ , they think they are ,     are wrong .      and hurtful .         and I’m sorry    .     — I wanted to talk to       snape     ,   but I couldn’t find him .      


* he couldn't even begin to think what the likes of her would want with someone like him. he was pretty certain she would have done everything she could have to avoid him or the others. well... those smart enough would have. apparently that didn't exactly apply to the witch. Adolph found himself raising an eyebrow, still not entirely over the shock of the situation * And what could you possibly want with me? *maybe it was a bad dream and he'd find himself waking up in a moment. subtly, he pinched the inner skin on his forearm, proving that unfortunately this was not a dream *


            [        THE METAMORPHMAGUS      WITCH      blinked     .     okay ,    perhaps    she / could / understand his       surprise .      it was     rare for someone       like her      to be looking for someone like         him      - -      but she wasn’t being / judgmental /      about it .        ]       um . . .       yeah ?          [           SHE STARED        for a moment      , chewing       on the inside        of her cheek .        ]         . . .      sorry ,     is this a bad time ?        


❝ stay out of this. ❞
          A Hufflepuff sticking her nose into somewhere it didn't belong was the last thing he had needed. Didn't they know better than to mind their own business, go about their own day? Apparently not, because here was one now, trying to act all righteous, as if what he was doing had any bearing on her. A frustrated frown crossed his features, spinning around as he turned to face the girl. Really, she shouldn't have been all the interested in what he was doing, or where he was going, regardless of the hour. Not if she knew what was good for her. "Stay out of this," he warned, eyes narrowing slightly in her direction. "I don't think you really want the professors finding out that you're not in your dorm either. Because face it, Lupin, that's exactly what's going to happen if you don't mind your own business."


            sorry .            [         the metamorphmagus     couldn’t help   but allow both her brows to raise in        surprise      .       it had genuinely just      been a casual question she had blurted out         to        break the awkward silence   that had subdued when they had crossed paths at this  later hour      .        she felt her cheeks burn with both frustration       and       embarrassment     ,      picking at a loose thread at her sleeve .          ]            believe it or not ,       I wasn’t planning on snitching on you .        . . .         you know ,     you don’t have to     respond with threats all the time .     / I’m / not exactly a threat to you .          [           she pointed out     ,      voice soft ,     as it usually was ,     a slight chuckle escaping her .    she shook  her head        as she pointed in what she hoped was the opposite direction to where he was going .         ]         I’m going that way .      I hope that doesn’t interfere with whatever / you’re /  doing .       


oh, look at you! you look stunning, dear!


            is that right , fawley ?         (         florence teased back , rolling her eyes playfully ,   as she tucked her hands into the pockets of her dress .       one of the other reasons she loved the outfit was for its use of pockets .     the hufflepuff witch rose her eyebrows at amira’s words   —   wearing such a thing with confidence seemed like a difficult feat for florence .          )             stop complimenting me—     you’re messing up my hair .      (        she laughed as it remained a bashful pink .      ironically enough ,    florence didn’t really like the colour yellow .       perhaps it was because of the bright decor that littered everywhere within their common room — but it was too much ,    and had put her off the colour .       hence why the summery dress was a white colour ,    with small pink flowers .       )         / why / exactly are we focusing on me ?         I thought you said that we have to wear our clothes with confidence , amira .       and / you / should take your own advice and do the same .      (         she replied cheekily .     ) 


me, dramatic? you’re very funny, lupin.  * the grin that graced her lips bloomed into a full smile then, her hands clasping behind her back happily. *  i will not take such words from you, florence lupin. you’re wearing a dress and you should wear it with confidence. that dress only enhances your natural beauty, so don’t even try to deny it.  * she was shaking her head then, laughing lightly. amira often tried too hard to have her outfits go together, having most of her clothes the yellow of their house or some variation. sometimes she thought she looked like a less-flattering version of the sun with how much yellow tied into her outfits, and her blonde hair certainly never helped the case. but the compliment was nice, light pink dusting her cheeks to prove it. *  thank you, but we should be focusing on you! 


            you’re too kind to me !       (         her mother ,     hope lupin ,      had helped to pick it out and make the necessary adjustments .       and it had come to be one of her favourites now .     it was a little floral ,     but not too heavy .     a simple design that         was light flowy .      )          oh stop it . . .        now you’re just being dramatic .   there are / many /   others who could wear this and make it look better .           (          she uttered , the pink darkening in her hair      to convey her embarrassment ,     but she was grateful.     shy , but grateful with the compliments .       a light scoff   left her lips ,     shaking her head in disbelief .        )            are you kidding me ?         have you seen yourself ?       merlin ,     sometimes I swear you don’t even try ,    and you end up looking so pretty . 


Trust me when I say that result is not something to get excited about. It means it didn't work.


* there was no need for thanks or anything of the sort. Maya was merely watching out for herself with the advice. at least that way she wouldn't end up wearing another mess should the whole thing go horribly wrong again. one mess for the day was definitely more than enough for her. she was mildly surprised the professor couldn't smell the stench from where he was sitting. even Slughorn couldn't have been that dense, could he? * It's fine. Really, don't mention it. It's as much for my benefit as it is for yours.  * experimenting was one thing but maybe not in a class full of other students. especially if you didn't know what the outcome might have been *


            (           florence had a passion for potions and herbology in particular .     she was skilled at it (    perhaps more so when she wasn’t experimenting )     —     after all , she knew when she left school ,      she wanted to be a healer .     to make a difference .      / something / like that .        but the hufflepuff witch held a sort of admiration towards maya zabini —      she was wonderfully talented at potions     ,       so any advice the other would give ,     she would be sure to take a mental note .      florence wasn’t one to stubbornly dismiss other’s thoughts — she remained open minded .         )           peppermint . . .          (          she repeated , a soft hum leaving her lips as she peered down at the mustard yellow liquid within her cauldron .     not only did it look off , but it smelt off as well .          )         I think you might be right .    . . .      and perhaps a little more of the honeywater too . . .       thank you .       (       she shot the slytherin witch a bright smile .     ) 


* she had been well out of the way when the liquid inside the cauldron had exploded. there was little chance she was going to let any of that touch her skin, especially considering she had no idea what reaction it would have had. she wasn't even entirely sure what that... concoction was * At times, yes it can work, but with this particular potion, you have to follow a set process. * she had made the Invigoration Draught enough times to know mixing things that weren't supposed to go in there wasn't going to have the desired outcome. and it certainly wasn't supposed to be that colour yellow * I think you missed the peppermint. I know it might seem like a rather mundane kind of herb, but it surprisingly has a lot of potential.


Do you spend all your time loitering in hallways, Lupin?


            oh no , it’s alright .    I’ve got a note from professor sprout      .         (        florence had permission to miss herbology today .       she was ahead of all her peers with that subject ,       and was quite frankly told that she was at a level a whole year or two higher than what she was ‘ meant to be ‘ .      having a passion for the subject ,      she had been granted permission to do some of her own research .     specifically ,       on the way certain plants could be used to establish faster and almost instant healing .       a sigh left her as she pushed herself off the wall , slipping the book back into her bag .        )            so / technically / not breaking any rules .       I’m not looking for attention , and I’m certainly no gryffindor .   just because my brother hangs out with boys who cannot seem to get / enough / attention ,      doesn’t mean that I am the same way .           (       she frowned , face falling briefly , before letting a breath pass her lips .      )        the advice is appreciated , but I’m sure I’ll be fine , thank you .      (        she muttered under her breath , heading towards the doorway now , to step through .    she paused for a moment , before glancing over her shoulder at him with a raised eyebrow , and the hint of a smile on her face .      )         professor mcgonagall has a schedule she never tends to break , you know .     she usually wanders down this way in about twenty minutes to get herself some tea .     so if you want to avoid her ,     I suggest you make your way somewhere else .    just a thought . 


* sure, he had places to go, but no doubt somewhere she wouldn't guess. although being fashionably late was definitely something he preferred. better to keep people guessing then to do exactly what they expected. leave the people pleasing to his brother, he always thought. Rodolphus was the perfect heir, the one everyone loved. Rabastan wanted nothing to do with any of that * I could say the same about you. You spend all your time out here and you're going to have professors asking you a whole lot of questions.  I didn't think that being in the limelight was something you'd be looking for. Isn't that more of a Gryffindor thing? Wanting to be the centre of attention all the time? You strike me as more of someone who always plays by the rules in their own way. I don't think you could break them if you try. So maybe you better find your way to class, or somewhere at least, before McGonagall starts yelling.


            (       the apology had been directed towards everyone ,    though perhaps it was misleading given that she had been looking at rabastan when she said it .     perhaps , simply ,    because he had been the one to speak up first .        )          I can’t  do my research very well in one place .      (         she admitted ,     cocking her head to the side slightly as she bit the inside of her cheek .    she was someone who preferred a change of scenery ,    who tended to fidget .      the library was all well and good for a little while ,    but soon after ,     it would become unbearable .      )        but next time ,    I’ll try to avoid wandering where a lot of students are moving from place to place .    time it better .      
                      (        florence took the whole situation on board for next time ,    wanting to learn from her mistakes .      she was not heading to class like the other students .    instead ,    she still kept herself out of the way of the doorway so that he could get past ,    but seeing how he hadn’t yet moved ,     a slight frown formed upon her softer features .      )         don’t you need to get somewhere ?     


I don't know what you want, but you have the wrong person.


* not really the reaction she was expecting. unless, of course, this woman before her was someone who was part of the Dark Lord's support circle. that would explain why she didn't seem all that fazed by the surname . though Lyra couldn't say she'd ever seen her before. that didn't really mean much. she was pretty sure there were others she hadn't come across yet * I don't think it would have made much difference. It's not hard to just buy another book. * she replied slowly, resisting the urge to shrug as she did, though she did reach out to take the extended book off the other witch * Thank you for returning it, however. * it couldn't be said that she didn't have some manners. she had been raised properly, despite everything *


            what if you are …. if you are , then so what ?        (        florence asked ,     a lighter look within her eyes , shrugging her shoulders .      she knew the name all too well ,     but truly , it did not matter to her .      a name alone didn’t define who she  was  .        of course ,    his girl was a mulciber ,     which meant florence knew exactly who her parents were .       the metamorphmagus has known them both when she was at school — not associating herself with them too much .          her father hadn’t been / so / bad .        )        I wanted to return a book ,      not bombard you with questions about your heritage or your life .      (          she pointed out with a smile , before looking down at the front cover .    )       besides , Hogwarts a History , eh ?     I think you’ll need this for your studies , right ? 


Answering that question might have seen harmless on the surface, but underneath it all, there was a possibility it would open a rather messy can of worms. Mulciber wasn't exactly an unknown name in the wizarding world. And she wasn't foolish enough to think that this woman in front of her hadn't heard of it before. "What if I am?" she asked, a hint of defiance in her dark eyes. "But then again, maybe I'm not who you're looking for."


Was that supposed to be a threat? I mean, it's really hard to tell.


            don’t .       please don’t .       he isn’t like that , truly .      he isn’t like the others in their group .     (         but florence could only defend her brother to a certain extent .      while remus often didn’t partake in the     actual bullying that       james and sirius partook in ,     he simply watched and let it happen ,     when they were supposed to be his best friends .     don’t get me wrong ,    florence loved her brother dearly , and they got on like two peas in a pod ,     but she didn’t agree with some of the things the marauders got up to ,    regardless of whether they thought it was harmless or not .    nevertheless ,     she had simply been lucky that she had not been a victim of one of their ‘ pranks ‘ — they were nice to her ,    whenever they happened to cross paths , which was inevitable given her brother’s friendship with them .        her expression softened slightly .        )          don’t been so quick to judge him .     regardless of what you think of him ,     james and sirius are like a second family to him .    he doesn’t want to lose them .       (         they had accepted him for what he really was ,    something that others could not .        a slight chuckle , though , would soon leave her lips at his last comment , shaking her head as she held up her hands in a surrender .      )        I wasn’t going to say anything .     I ask you not to judge my brother ,    which means that I don’t judge you either . 


* he gave a snort, waving his hand absently * Don't tell me it isn't obvious? The entire school knows he's a lowlife bully, hanging with the likes of Potter and Black. * there was a sneer on his features at the mention of the latter, his utter distaste more than evident. he had no patience for either one of those two, considering both seemed to think they were above everyone else, despite the fact they caused just as much harm as Adolph and his own friends did. perhaps when one thought about it, they caused even more. because they lied to themselves, to others, about what they really were *  I've seen the evidence of the things they've done. And your brother... he's no better than they are. If he truly wanted to make a difference, he would have ditched those two and spent more time being a decent person, rather than hurting people for fun. And before you make some baseless comment about me, I know what I am. I don't bother lying about it.


            I was talking to myself— it was an / inward / threat really —        can I not have a crisis ?      (             florence defended ,     though her words didn’t really make any sense considering what she had said .       though eventually ,       a smile would form onto her features , raising her eyebrow .         )          what ,     just because I’m a hufflepuff , it means I can’t have personality traits of / other / houses too ?         (          that was a little narrow minded of him , she thought ,       before she gaped at him in disbelief .        ) 
                      hey , I’m not violent !        (         she defended quickly and immediately , wide eyed .       though she felt a little uneasy at his last comment ,      a worrisome lump forming in her throat and her previous smile fading when her brother was brought up into conversation  .        )                what do you mean by that ?         (        florence asked ,     blinking as she felt her fingers tighten around her book ever so slightly ,    but not visibly noticeable .       / surely /     mulicber couldn’t know     about remus’ condition , could he ?        ) 