
MAY. coming soon.


if i were to define with one word this year, it would be “love”. it would be love, because 2023 taught me to appreciate spending more time with my family, with my friends and most importantly, with myself. i learned to appreciate little things more & to be more present. 2023 also taught me different shades of love, one being with animals, in particular with my kitten kenji. he came at an unexpected time of my life & he uplifted my whole existence, he made me more responsible, more confident & overall a better person. another shade of love is the one i have for myself. this year i really evolved more, i became more confident, i learned how to overcome obstacles, fears & most of my insecurities. 2023 definitely had its downs too.. I fell many many times before I could even be able to get up again, but at the same time i’m happy. i’m happy because without all these experiences i wouldn’t be who i am now, i wouldn’t be as strong, as brave & as excited as i am right now <3
          2023 was about love also because of people supporting my art online & offline and i couldn’t be more grateful for this. i’m so glad someone can relate to what i write & create. i’m so glad to be here & be able to share meaningful content. thank you so much <3
          MY SIDE OF THE STORY JUST REACHED 2K READS. Thank y’all ✨✨✨✨✨


As the year is about to end in less than two weeks, I wanted to surprise you as much as I could. I did my best & I’m so happy to hear your positive feedback! But here’s more… I know some people don’t feel very comfortable around Christmas’ holidays, so I hope I can make you feel a little less lonely & a little more understood with this last surprise!
          During these last six months, a lot happened in my life. I experienced lots of different emotions & got to know new people, but most of all, I am finally letting go. Once again. For once and for all. I am healing & gaining self confidence again. I am fronting my deepest fears & I am feeling better. I am growing. I am evolving. Hope. Freedom. Rebirth. I am entering a new era of my life & I would like to take you with me during this transformative journey. So… It’s time. May I now present you, “MY SIDE OF THE STORY (UNTIL NOW EDITION)” with 6 brand new poems written in the last 6 months <3
          Thank you so much for all the love, all the support & all the positive vibes you give me every time. I’m so glad I get to share my art with y’all & I hope I can continue to inspire you & to encourage you to be brave and go after your biggest dreams. Little Mich, I hope you’re proud of how far we’ve come and be ready ‘cause there’s still a long way to go… THANK YOU ALL ✨️
          With love,