Hiyee. Ako si Rai, basta ang alam ko-- I'm not here to please everyone. HEHE.
I'm here dahil gusto ko ng past time. And sanctuary pag ako ay inatake ng aking alien complex. BWAHAHA.
Besides, madalas akong SR. Mobile phone ako madalas online kaya tamad ako pumindot.
There's a lot more to know about me. [Kahit ako di ko din alam??]

Other than that, these are my loves not likes.
I'm a super fan of Taylor Swift! Hope I can find people who likes my idol too.
AN avid fan of my still favorite KNovela--- SeGa [ Sino may alam? ]
Well I just want you to know that..

I'm NOT just your ORDINARY type of GIRL.. ( yeah I'm absolutely a GIRL! )
I love reading and writing :)

I'm simple and that's what makes me beautiful.

  • 13th ELm Street
  • Дата регистрацииJune 24, 2012

История от midnightdoll
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