
New Story! Please enjoy! https://www.wattpad.com/story/173431628


It’s officially December and I am happy to announce I am back and writing again to finally finish of what Is started with “The Single Moments” with it’s hiatus of over a year and a half. 
          I’m glad to say that I will be publishing the last remaining chapters this month per week of December respectively. 
          Happy Holidays!


hey, just a tip about IHE (i’m almost done with it, nice plot line btw), i noticed you had a couple of grammar/spelling mistakes in your chapters and i thought you might like using grammarly. 
          i do not know if you have heard of it but it’s this great software (and website too) used for editing and improving your grammar, i [personally] love using it for my work. i hope i’m not being rude and that it helps you with your writing. have a nice day! 


and, you’re welcome :)


@miggymigsvictor yeah! it’s called ‘grammarly,’ you can look it up google


@_itskai_ omg, thank you for the tip  may I know what app/software/website it is? 