
:v I'm sorry your OC has yet to appear in Love in the Club! I'm trying to make sure things flow naturally so I can't just stuff characters around willy nilly.


            That's totally fine! I enjoy reading it even when Chrys isn't in there. It's a great story; kudos to you for being such a great writer. I love your voice.


Heyo! I just wanted to say that your story is really good, and I'm sorry if I annoyed you with all my comments :P


            *shrugs* okie dokie lokie. I'll keep that in mind xD
            I have noticed... xD By the way, when you corrected my grammar that one time with the "begged" thing, what sentence were you referring to? I can't find it.


Thanks! Also, about hangovers, it's usually when you drink A LOT of alcohol, but I'm not sure if it would work that way with lightweights. I'm not familiar with getting drunk so XD Also yes, I comment A LOT. I'm an avid commenter


            I'm glad you like my story although WOW yes you did post a lot of comments xD I'll reply to some of 'em.
            'Bout the hangover thing – I don't actually know anything at all about hangovers and drinking because I've never drunk alcohol myself. I looked it up on the internet. So maybe I did it wrong, I dunno. Sorry xD
            And Willow and Peri... I think they had a complicated relationship. Maybe at one point Willow told Peri that she had a crush on her, and Peri didn't feel the same way, but she didn't want to make her friend sad so she went along with it for a while. Then they just... drifted apart after a while, because Willow's crush kinda faded away. But they stayed friends. So that's probably the first person Peri ever kissed/was kissed by, and then the second one is Lapis of course. And then Ciera. And then Lapis again...
            Yes it's ABBA.
            PTSD is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and yeah, I think it's really similar to panic attacks. It's when something really bad has happened to someone and they sometimes get flashbacks or hallucinations and nightmares because of it. It's more complicated than that but that's the main overview.
            I'm glad you like my picture. I like drawing. =p
            And yes I'm pretty sure it does count as bullying. But since when are there no bullies anywhere? Since never. FYI, Ciera was bullying Peri because she was pretty much desperate to be popular and she thought that was the best way to go about it (probably bad experiences in her childhood, you know).
            The title was NOT a reference to MLP. At least not a conscious one. Maybe it was an accidental one.
            Okay... I think that's most of it. Let me know if there's anything else you wanted to know xD