
@hannahbanana96 Yes. That's the age I began to write my story. I have them in a box!


          Hi, as a Wattpad Volunteer I think I should let you know that they are trying to reduce the “please read my story” type spam emails that are being posted all over the place. 
          Please only advertise under the appropriate threads set up in each of the clubs. 
          You may find the link below useful on tips for how to promote your story,

          The best way to get going on here is to be a supportive reader. Read peoples work, give constructive comments, be friends to others.  The more friends you make, the more likely your friends will return the favor and read your stories. Any questions, please feel free to contact Wattpad or myself. Cheers, Gav


Welcome to the wonderful and slightly obscure world of Wattpad. I’m one of the Volunteers who help the Wattpad chiefs, so if you have any questions on anything, please feel free to send me a message. There are also various useful bits and bobs on or you can go to the Volunteers page ( 
          Have fun. Cheers, Gav