
Heyy, Srry for not posting the chapter ✋ I’ve been at school and I haven’t found time to write it sooooo I’m gonna do it on Saturday which in a week, if I do not do it, feel free to shout at me ✌


@MillieFox1 it's okay don't put to much pressure on yourself and I'm willing to wait and there is no way I would shout at you 


Heyy, Srry for not posting the chapter ✋ I’ve been at school and I haven’t found time to write it sooooo I’m gonna do it on Saturday which in a week, if I do not do it, feel free to shout at me ✌


@MillieFox1 it's okay don't put to much pressure on yourself and I'm willing to wait and there is no way I would shout at you 


Ok let me think umm you may think this is stupid or ridiculous but have you ever tried a jealousy fanfic I'm not sure if I'm right about this or death fanfic I'm still knew so I don't know much about fanfics but I'll let you know if I have come up with anI idea ok oh and I'm sorry for sugesting the jealousy and the death fanfic well I hope this at least gives you some ideas oh and if you ever need my help I'm always here ok.


It’s fine honestly, I’ll take in any suggestions and thanks for the help :3


Maybe I can help but first umm what's the fanfic about who are you shipping I don't know much becouse I'm actually a new writer and I just joined about a month ago but I will try my best to help you ok 


Heyyy, thanks for offering! I’m just after help on any fanfics anyone can think of