this message may be offensive
So, about Wilbur. I’m pretty devastated with the whole ordeal, since this man has been one of my biggest role models since I was 13. What he has done with fucking horrible and I do not support him anymore. With that being said, I’m not gonna take any of my stories down. I’d say the stories are more about a character we created with his name, but I will not write about him anymore. I will also edit “The Unexpected Family Of Theseus” since he only appears once and it’s easy to remove. And please, don’t use your energy to attack Wilbur, use it to support Shelby.

@milotheforg Yeah it sucks. I learned of that after doing some quick searching. He seemed like such a fun person and had been such a massive influence in the community. While I’m not the biggest fan of the SMP stuff, even I felt deeply betrayed when hearing the news. I wish Shubble all the best and that she can continue to live a fulfilling life. I can only imagine going through such a thing only to then have it analyzed and prodded by what feels like the entire world.