
Here are link.that you can use to support the blm movement http://chng.it/7LWBptWgnn


hello to my fellow readers, i want to say Happy pride Month to everyone on this app. i hope you guys are safe anywhere you go. i know you guys have heard about the BLM movement and since i have this platform, i need to show my support to the black people that is fighting for their rights. I can't express how angered i was when i heard about the killing of an innocent man done by a person that is suppose protect them. The system that is created to protect the people but ended up being the thing that kill innocent people just because of their skin colour.  my heart is broken when i saw a video where a black skin girl cried to her father saying that she is going to die just because of her skin color. the father couldn't even say anything because that's the harsh reality. But, we are going to make a change to this. I personally want to go to the protest to but i don't live in the USA so all i can do is spread awareness using this platform even though it is so little in comparison to the suffering the black people have suffered. i hope you guys can show your support by spreading the words of the movement to other countries. That's all i have to say. To the black people who are fighting for their rights, i stand with you. We can change this corrupt system.


Hi my lovelies. I hope you are happy and healthy wherever you are. However, i hope you know that being not okay is still fine. Nothing in nature bloom all year and you are human. Human get tired and they get hurt. So, i hope you have the courage to tell yourself that its okay to not be fine. I want to talk about my account. There's a lot that happened this month and it delayed my ideas to update Creepypasta x reader. I'm sorry to you guys who waited for so long. I'm trying to finish the new chapter as soon as i can but i hope you guys can understand my situation.  Thank you to those who read and voted for my book although it suck. I'm very happy that the book got love from you guys. I can't express how grateful i am. Thank you to those who waited too. I love you guys and i hope you guys will enjoy my pieces. Let me know if you have any request or ideas for me to put in the book. I appreciate your suggestion very much. Also, im happy that people commented on my book. I read every comment you guys left and i try my hardest to reply to them. Thank you


Hello to my 15k + readers. Im so happy that we hut 15k. I love you guys so much and i appreciate the comment you guys left. I read all of the comments and im very happy you commented. I will keep working hard for the sake of you guys. Thank you and i love you. Muah.


Hello to you anonymous 9.7 k readers. Im so sorry that i cant update that much of the creepypasta x reader book. I promises that i wont unpublish it. So here is the problem. I have something called school and not just any school, a boarding school. This place's schedule is packed like my butt. I hope you guys understand that i try my best to update my books. Also, we are very close to hit 10 k readers. If we managed to, i will write an oneshot from your requests. So, if you want me to write that oneshot, let's work hard. That is a long ass message.


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Hey guys! i know i've been lacking the attetention towards my second book which is creepypasta x insane reader and im sorry about the whole situation. But holy hell! you guys are so fucking amazing. You see i started the book with the hope that around 10 people would read it. Guess what i got?! a whole 8.0+K!!!! Like what? i doubt you guys actually even liked the book but thank you so much for supporting it. thank you so so much.