
I had a nightmare last night. It was… scary… there was a creepy girl, back bended and twisted, crawling towards me, fast. That wasn’t even the scariest part… I… couldn’t woke up from the dream… everytime I tried to, it would spawn me to my car. It took a few minutes, I tried to wake up but something wasn’t letting me, I succeeded in waking up cuz of my mom’s alarm
          	What if I hadn’t wake up…? 


I had a nightmare last night. It was… scary… there was a creepy girl, back bended and twisted, crawling towards me, fast. That wasn’t even the scariest part… I… couldn’t woke up from the dream… everytime I tried to, it would spawn me to my car. It took a few minutes, I tried to wake up but something wasn’t letting me, I succeeded in waking up cuz of my mom’s alarm
          What if I hadn’t wake up…? 


this message may be offensive
I have a lot of stories drafts cuz every time I write a story, I be having writer’s block and it feels like shit. I have seven stories in my drafts… 
          • It’s Always Been You ( 3 drafts )
          • I’ve Been Waiting For You ( 1 draft )
          • 스트레이 키즈 Oneshots ( 5 drafts )
          • My Bodyguard || 현진 ( 2 drafts )
          • Long Lost Friend || 방찬 ( 5 drafts )
          • Dreams Come True… or not??? ( 6 drafts )
          • Red String || 민성 ( 1 draft )
          For the 6th story, the chapters are really short so I’m trying to fix it by adding a few paragraphs. 
          For the 1st story, It’s Always Been You, I really don’t know what to put as the title so think of that as the substitute title. Also, a bit spoiler, 
          The story is reality + a little fiction. So like, some do the messages there were real messages that I took. It’s like experience plus fiction. Okay so, it’s about a girl who followed her old crush’s account but then he suddenly messages her. Yeah, I went through that before. Some messages there were from our real conversation and some were fiction so… that’s it (*´∀`)♪



I would read it again but only if I feel the need to cry  


@minsung25hyunlix20  That's so well but depressing as shitt...i would never read that again 


I got used by my crush/online buddies… well, not certainly… we met online and HE was the one who talks more that night but after he found I was… me… he started to talk less… sometimes he initiate the convo but it’s just stressing… ALL the girls said he’s a  but idk why I think he’s a green flag 




야, 이거 미친 폼


@ minsung25hyunlix20  TO THE MOON WE GO


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So, I’m currently stanning a new group called 82MAJOR. It’s the same group where Keeho’s younger brother, Yechan is in. I stumbled across them on IG when they weee doing the “You like me better” trend. Seongil just looks so fucking cute with his long fucking hair!!! THEIR SONG ‘SURE THING’ IS STUCK ON REPLAY IN MY HEAD AAAAAAGGGHHHHH


Oh yeah… I was at a hotel… the lobby has a view of the mall so, when I got back from the mall, as I was about to head into the lobby, I turned my head to look at the mall and saw HYUNJIN AS A COVER FOR VERSACE!!! I told my mom to wait inside. I took out my phone, managed it a take a few snaps and head inside. My mom’s like “is it BTS or something?” She doesn’t know I moved in from BTS already  when it was our last day, which was 2612, I went to the elevator and saw the most skinniest Santa with his glasses. I was like “Dang! At least stuff some pillows underneath it to make it look more natural” so that’s it 


ooo Stray kids are getting more popular and I love it. Like Hyunjin looked so good in that cover