
Hi everyone, I have not returned to wattpad sorry if that disappoints anyone… but I did take some time to go through direct messages sent to me. I’m sorry I did not respond to any of them, I don’t mean to seem ungrateful or anything like that, I really do appreciate all the nice comments. That’s actually why I downloaded wattpad again… I have been struggling lately with my writing and I came back to remember the joy I used to have while I was writing on here. Thank you to everyone who has sent me such kind messages!! Also… many people asked if they could translate my stories, this is me giving permission to you guys to translate my stories just please give me credit for the original work! Thank you all for the love and support. I miss being on here sometimes but I can never forget my reasons for leaving. I have to put my mental health first, love you all<3 


It's absolutely okay, take your time <3 It's also okay if you never come back to Wattpad, you are the most important thing. I was so happy to hear from you. @minsungshaven  


@ Ri00z_  @ minsungshaven  still kinda sad we never got a wish update though :')


@ minsungshaven  I am so happy to hear from you! I love all your stories and I am glad you're doing OK <3 ofc put your mental health first !


hi author! you probably won't read this but i hope you're doing well. i really love reading your books and i wanted to read EX again but it's not here anymore, i hope you can publish it again together with your other works in the future (no pressure) LOVE YOU AUTHOR-NIM!


@hanjisaucer but fr, i miss reading your works


Author, your story stigma still makes me cry whenever i think about it. You made me cry a lot, even now after years. The story is so good, i really appreciate your writing, author. I hope you are doing well though you may never see this. But i hope all the best for you. The story lives in my heart and i think about it very often! I will never shut up about how good the story is. One of the best stories I came across and the best author. <3


Y'all i think her and boiii and a few others were friends and they all suddenly disappeared??? This is so sus


@Cookieswithberry boiii needa update hate me soon bro im gonna start having withdrawals 


Hey .
          I really appreciate how you wrote your stories. I'll never stop recommending "Stigma" to any people i come across. That's one of the most memorable things I've read and it's one of the stories in Wattpad I find equal to a treasure. 
          I hope you're doing well.
          and even if you're not, I hope that you know a lot of people love the story you spent your time on. I don't even know whether you'll come across this. But , it would be a loss if i didn't try and express how dearly i treasure your writing. 
          Stay well.


hi author! you probably won’t see this, but I hope you’re doing well and will one day come back and publish your other books again. i believe i read found a year or so ago and i just recently got major déjà vu and searched everywhere for it, but now I understand why I couldn’t find it  anyway, I hope you’re doing okay :] a lot of us miss your books, so I hope you publish them again someday. stay safe <3