Ayo wassup guys hehe it's me (my name will be displayed sooner or later), here with a biographic description of myself!!! 

I'm a twenty year old young "adult". 👶🏻
I'm Korean. Not Chinese or Japanese, or Filipino, so don't try to play that game with me ❤️
My interests are bts, bts, bts, anime, food, kpop, jrock, drawing, sleeping in, playing video games, reading, dancing, singing, and learning how to stay healthy.
(Haha I put bts 3 times because they are very important to me. fight me if you're anti.❤️ (ง'̀-'́)ง)
- I'm actually a really nice person, kind and respectful. I don't judge people. Just defensive when it comes down to anyone getting hurt.
-I'm smart and thoughtful.
~I'm here if you need to talk to someone😊
-if you know me, you'll know that I have a blank face like taetae ... as well as my famous death glare
  • under a rock
  • JoinedNovember 18, 2018