
Hi! I'd like to announce that in the next chapter of T6W, everyone (including me) will be voting for the member they want to end up with. 
          	The member with the most votes will be Y/n's lifelong partner and will be the main focus of the epilogue. 
          	I'm almost done with Dahyun's date, and I'll start writing Tzuyu's after that. Further details about the voting will be on chapter 53, which will be out soon! :))


I know it's probably a hassle but couldn't there be separate epilogues for each member? huhu I just can imagine choosing just one in the endd 


Oh no, this is the hardest decision in my life..... WHAT ABOUT 8 OTHER GIRLS???? LET Y/N HAVE 8 OTHER CLONES


how are youuu? hope ur doing finee ^^ stay healthy ^^


I've been great! Spent most of my summer vacation indoors to avoid the sun, which was nice since i got to focus on writing and relaxing. Stay healthy, too! ♥️


Hi! I'd like to announce that in the next chapter of T6W, everyone (including me) will be voting for the member they want to end up with. 
          The member with the most votes will be Y/n's lifelong partner and will be the main focus of the epilogue. 
          I'm almost done with Dahyun's date, and I'll start writing Tzuyu's after that. Further details about the voting will be on chapter 53, which will be out soon! :))


I know it's probably a hassle but couldn't there be separate epilogues for each member? huhu I just can imagine choosing just one in the endd 


Oh no, this is the hardest decision in my life..... WHAT ABOUT 8 OTHER GIRLS???? LET Y/N HAVE 8 OTHER CLONES


I published a new story! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
          Tzuyu has been my bias for as long as i can remember, so I've been wanting to write a ff for her.
          And so, I did! Hopefully, The Emperor's Bride will entertain y'all as much as T6W and TPOP have. If you're bored or looking for a fanfic to read, then please check it out! 
          Thank you so much! ♡


@mintzuwi oh em gee tzuyu's an emperor this time, can't wait to read more chapters! anyways stay healthy & love you chinguuuu <3


@mintzuwi u have something about alternating worlds hehe, we luv it! 


@mintzuwi Don't worry, Everything you make always amazes us! we love you author, Mwaa~ Please don't ever die(⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ


i was just wondering if you have ever felt that you need to make your work (as in writing fanfics) as perfect as you imagined it to be? or you feel anxious that the final post might not be good enough, i mean like a lot of people love your stories and they expect the best from you, so you might felt a huge weight on your shoulder to make your work good enough so it can satisfy your readers or else they might not like it or worst case scenario they might drop the stories half way through, at some points you might want to change the storyline again& again until you feel satisfied 
          i hope you understand what im trying to say lol sorry eng is not my 1st language


@mintzuwi i see, that’s why it take some time for you to update but it’s worth the wait since everytime you update you have never left me unsatisfied, glad to hear that you managed to find the reason for you to write again ^~^
            looking forward for your new fanfic, goodluck


            Yes, actually ( ꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to writing, so I always make sure to proofread my chapters before i publish them to check if I need to add more scenes so it doesn't seem rushed. And yes, i get anxious from time to time whenever votes drop or the number of views is less than usual, but I've learned not to worry about it too much since the most important thing to me is that I'm entertaining my readers. There are times I lose motivation to write another chapter after updating, but seeing all the positive feedback i get and how my readers still love my work even after all these years brings my motivation back! I like writing, but i like seeing people find joy in my stories even more. That's why every update is worth it for me! 


or are you not feeling like that? i hope you dont feel that way cuz i truly hoping that you enjoy writing those stories just like how i enjoy reading yours, i dont want to see you struggling to update just because someone tell you to update


Since t6w is nearing its end, i plan on publishing a new fanfic pretty soon ( that is, if i don't randomly change my mind HAHA ). It's a Tzuyu X fem!Reader titled "The Emperor's Bride" and it's among my favourites. It's been so long since I last published anything new, so I'm not very confident, but if I do end up publishing it, then I hope it will be good enough to entertain y'all! 
          ( there's also a twice zombie apocalypse au, but i'm not so sure with that one yet. It really just depends on what i'll look forward to writing the most )


I love loveee the tzuyu book!! and the apocalypse au sounds so interesting! I hope you go through with it !! your writing is so good and thank you for making your books, they really mean alot to me :))


CAN’T WAIT! But Ill be really sad once T6W ends ngl 