/ :"( h - hannya! did.. did you take my pen again..?

@hotarucutie * ... kh. * he frowned, eyebrows knitted together once he explained. * i had it since earlier, when i was trying to help you. i got it from the pink baseball bat girl after some petty threats. it was pointless, but i was trying to get something out of you so i didn't give it. ; wcjjsxjjsx rly late reply —

/ :"( .. * her sobs and hiccups vanished within the air as soon as she felt something soft hit her cheek. it took her several minutes to realized what it was. kusa was.. overjoyed, but somehow, she couldn't help but cry more at the sight of her precious item being returned to her. * wwwwwwwww - wha..? h - how did you..?

@hotarucutie * how adorable. * after thinking about it, hannya.. wanted to give the pen back. he was originally supposed to make her do something in return once more, but after mulling it over and thinking about that crying face of hers, he had to return it— he had to. but of course, he wasn't just going to give it to her so easy, returning favour or not. so, hannya took out the pen once more, scooting and leaning over, pressing the cute head on the pen to her cheek with a grin. * ; B U T — DDDDD":