
Chapter 1 of Linked By Ink is up! Go check it out! (Description below for those that haven't seen it yet):
          	Two boys. Two different states. Two different lives. But one thing links them together and changes everything: their skin.
          	Luke and Devon are soulmates, which is a rare and special thing to be. Specifically, they are skin mimics. Anything one writes on his skin shows up instantly on the other's. After years of spending almost every night talking, the two can't wait to meet each other, one day.
          	But what happens when Devon finds himself in trouble, and Luke can't comfort or help him? How do you salvage a relationship when you're over 2,000 miles apart, and someone stops writing?


Chapter 1 of Linked By Ink is up! Go check it out! (Description below for those that haven't seen it yet):
          Two boys. Two different states. Two different lives. But one thing links them together and changes everything: their skin.
          Luke and Devon are soulmates, which is a rare and special thing to be. Specifically, they are skin mimics. Anything one writes on his skin shows up instantly on the other's. After years of spending almost every night talking, the two can't wait to meet each other, one day.
          But what happens when Devon finds himself in trouble, and Luke can't comfort or help him? How do you salvage a relationship when you're over 2,000 miles apart, and someone stops writing?


I love your bio sooo much!!! Yes, I got the “sixteen going on seventeen” reference, and proceeded to sing the whole song. Musicals are life, and I love your fandoms!


@DemigodKeeper08 Thank you so much!!! And thanks for following me!


You have been chosen to be showered with love, so enjoy!
          Now post this to everyone's wall, who you think deserves the world.
          If you get:
          1 back: You're loved.
          2 back: You're loved and popular.
          3 back: You're one of the most loveable people out there.
          9 back: Wow... I'm jealous lol
          Don't break this chain, please :3


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for reading and voting Entwined ♡ I hope you’ll have amazing day cos you just made mine!!  It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡     P.s. The second book Enamoured and spinoff Engulfed, Enthralled, Enchanted are available on Wattpad! ♡ https://www.wattpad.com/story/116699884-entwined-1-entwined-trilogy 


@misfit_spirit aww I’m glad! I suggest you start reading it ASAP while it’s still free ❤️ thank you for giving my book a chance and for taking some of your time to reply this ❤️ your support means the world to me and I won’t take it for granted ❤️ just know that you’re one of the reasons I keep on writing ❤️ stay blessed ❤️ agatha x 


@agatharoza aw, you're welcome! Entwined is really good so far 


Hey, thanks for adding my book to your reading list:)


@Vampiresrule109 You're welcome! It sounds so good!


Sooo I just looked up the title of Half of My Soul, just to see where it would show up in a list. Turns out there are a lot of books out there that have the words "half of my soul" somewhere in the title. 
          Guess what this means? It's time to change my title to something more original and fitting of my book (maybe something mentioning the fact that they're skin mimics?). Whoever replies with the title idea I like will get a dedication in the first three chapters of my book (copyright, description, and chapter 1). 
          Anyone want to help me re-name Half of My Soul?


Hey guys! I've started writing a new book called Half of My Soul! I'm writing it in Google Docs to avoid pressure to update. Once I've completely finished writing it, I will post it here every Monday in Friday, hopefully starting in June. Go check the description out, and come back in June when I start publishing it! https://www.wattpad.com/story/220736408