
Dear Reader,
          	Okay, I'm grappling with the embarrassment of actually publishing my work! As I observe the number of reads and votes, I've come to the realization that nobody cares! While I would love for my work to garner attention, it turns out my terrible premonition of being ridiculed for publishing was unfounded. Yet, that fear is proven wrong. Post your works, people! It doesn't matter if no one reads them; it's your art. Art isn't about getting attention; it's about the journey—the writing, the process, the words flowing from ink to paper, from fingers to keys!
          	Warmest Regards,


Dear Reader,
          Okay, I'm grappling with the embarrassment of actually publishing my work! As I observe the number of reads and votes, I've come to the realization that nobody cares! While I would love for my work to garner attention, it turns out my terrible premonition of being ridiculed for publishing was unfounded. Yet, that fear is proven wrong. Post your works, people! It doesn't matter if no one reads them; it's your art. Art isn't about getting attention; it's about the journey—the writing, the process, the words flowing from ink to paper, from fingers to keys!
          Warmest Regards,


vague messages on my message board that no one will ever read and will soon be forgotten in the deep dark humid crevice that is Wattpad? Yes please. 


            Yes. And the that one toilet that doesn’t work


@Artist_name can’t forget the ‘I hate school’ graffiti on the wall


it is no longer in the cracks of wattpad. It’s in the corner of a stingy school bathroom.


I’ve turned into a crazy cat lady and to be completely honest I’m not mad about it ❤️
          (I use emojis like a millennial I know hey at least I’m self aware!) 


this message may be offensive
Aw the cat emoji doesn’t show on Wattpad what the fuck? Cats are the best and this is just blasphemy towards cats  


I kind of deleted your comment by mistake when I wanted to reply, so sorry(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
          But I get what you mean, same with me, I use incense to hide smell ♡´・ᴗ・`♡


I can’t use incense I have a pet bird and anything scented or anything that releases fumes is deadly to him  but I’ll power through (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)