
Hiiiii, thanks for the lovely-amazing-talented @stilers for tagging me in this :)x
          	- must post all rules
          	- must tag 13 people 
          	- must answer questions from tagged and create 13 questions for people you tag (this is gonna be a hard one)
          	- tag backs are allowed
          	Must finish in one week or else said tagger will remind you
          	LET’S START:
          	1) What does your last text say?
          	I texted Dad to buy me some snacks on his way home 
          	2) Would you rather live without television or music?
          	3) What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
          	MINIONS 3D 
          	^ that was on my Birthday in the summer
          	4) Where would you like to live?
          	London, please
          	5) What's something you don't like?
          	Waiting. I HATE waiting for something, it kills me.
          	6) What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
          	COTTON CANDY
          	7) What's your perfect date?
          	We don’t date here so I never thought about it eeh
          	8) Have you ever met a celebrity?
          	9) If you could change your name what would it be?
          	I dk I love my name
          	10) what do you want right now?
          	I want the next ep of Teen wolf to come out RIGHT NOW 
          	11) What is your biggest pet peeve?
          	People constantly complimenting themselves, it’s so irritating like OKAY GIVE PEOPLE A CHANCE TO DO IT 
          	12) Sexiest person that comes to mind immediately?
          	DYLAN O’BRIEN
          	13) Describe yourself in one word.
          	Awkward :/
          	i'm tagging:
          	 @stilers < I know u said not to but i tagged you again bc you said you like these things and i like knowing new things about u hehe
          	My Questions:
          	1/ Best novel you’ve ever read?
          	2/ favorite comedian? 
          	3/ -In your Opinion- what’s the BEST book on Wattpad? 
          	4/ any hidden talents? 
          	5/ Twitter or Instagram?
          	6/ action or animation movies?
          	7/ something you’ll never ever do?
          	8/ something you Wish you can do?
          	9/ hot or cold drinks?
          	10/ Your favorite snack?
          	11/ a movie you wish you could live in?
          	12/ Does your friends/ family know about your acc on wattpad??
          	13/ your biggest achievement?


Hiiiii, thanks for the lovely-amazing-talented @stilers for tagging me in this :)x
          - must post all rules
          - must tag 13 people 
          - must answer questions from tagged and create 13 questions for people you tag (this is gonna be a hard one)
          - tag backs are allowed
          Must finish in one week or else said tagger will remind you
          LET’S START:
          1) What does your last text say?
          I texted Dad to buy me some snacks on his way home 
          2) Would you rather live without television or music?
          3) What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
          MINIONS 3D 
          ^ that was on my Birthday in the summer
          4) Where would you like to live?
          London, please
          5) What's something you don't like?
          Waiting. I HATE waiting for something, it kills me.
          6) What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
          COTTON CANDY
          7) What's your perfect date?
          We don’t date here so I never thought about it eeh
          8) Have you ever met a celebrity?
          9) If you could change your name what would it be?
          I dk I love my name
          10) what do you want right now?
          I want the next ep of Teen wolf to come out RIGHT NOW 
          11) What is your biggest pet peeve?
          People constantly complimenting themselves, it’s so irritating like OKAY GIVE PEOPLE A CHANCE TO DO IT 
          12) Sexiest person that comes to mind immediately?
          DYLAN O’BRIEN
          13) Describe yourself in one word.
          Awkward :/
          i'm tagging:
           @stilers < I know u said not to but i tagged you again bc you said you like these things and i like knowing new things about u hehe
          My Questions:
          1/ Best novel you’ve ever read?
          2/ favorite comedian? 
          3/ -In your Opinion- what’s the BEST book on Wattpad? 
          4/ any hidden talents? 
          5/ Twitter or Instagram?
          6/ action or animation movies?
          7/ something you’ll never ever do?
          8/ something you Wish you can do?
          9/ hot or cold drinks?
          10/ Your favorite snack?
          11/ a movie you wish you could live in?
          12/ Does your friends/ family know about your acc on wattpad??
          13/ your biggest achievement?