Life is a package and it's up to you when and how you unfold it.

Life is filled with different paths, different roads to travel on. The decisions you make decide on which road you'll be temporarily travelling on. You're constantly switching, from solid asphalt roads to muddy and bumpy little paths and everything in between that. It's up to you which roads you choose that you think will help you to get to your future. Unfortunately, no one exactly knows what's at the end of all these paths, that's if they even have an end. And above all, you'll always be influenced by the people around you. Sometimes you will not only want to choose for your own future, but for someone else's too. And sacrifices come with that. You can't walk on two roads at the same time, you have to choose. But how far would you go for someone else? How far would you trail away from your own path onto someone else's? How far would you go to abandon your own choices, your own life, your own future for the sake of someone else's? And why? Because you're scared to move on your own? Afraid of what's at the end, afraid of ending up alone and isolated? Or because you want to help that someone to move forwards, because you know they're struggling with every step they take on their own road.
Ask yourself this, for who are you doing it? For yourself or for someone else? And if you do it for someone else, why? We come and we go. And in the end, you'll always end up alone. What counts is what you do between those two events of life. You can choose to pick others over yourself or prioritize yourself above others. Both are selfish in some way or another. So it won't really matter. Although it does affect your way of growing as a human being. But a nice reassurance to that is that no one knows how to live 'a perfect life' or how to be 'a perfect human' so why try so hard on such a unreachable idealistic image, when you can just simple 'live'.
-Melanie de B.
  • Holland ♡
  • JoinedAugust 7, 2015


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