
so excuse my tantrum, can't you see I've got my hands full?


Yo.... you changed your profile. It's so pretty


@mj142020 its funny how you think id leave my bed for anything short of a million dollars.


Heads up!!! Waterparks is releasing Entertainment on Jan. 26. Panic! is releasing All My Friends We're Glorious: DOAB Tour Live on Dec. 15.IDK How released their second single and there is still no news on an album as far as release dates go. New Politics will have a tour in  early 2018 but there is no news yet for dates. Waterparks is currently on the Made In America Tour with Chapel, As It Is, and Sleep On It. Fall Out Boy is done with the M A  N   I    A tour but they are starting the European, Australian, and Asian dates soon. HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON'T was at number nine on trending on YouTube. Blonde is really good. Kenneth Aaron Harris (P!ATD touring guitar) released a solo EP titled Patterns. Its really good go check it out. Awsten Knight has the AP cover for January and its pretty cool. AP got a make over. If you haven't heard about it yet it's really awesome and I really wish I could have a membership. This is late, but Lost In Translation is an AMAZING album. New Politics really hit a home run on this one.
          I think that's it. Thanks for reading guys :) 


Prayers for everyone who is being affected by Harvey. This storm has ripped the coast of my state, and I really hope that we (people) make it through safely. Keep these people in your prayers while they get through the storm and the rebuilding that is to come.


My oh, my. In all my years I never once DREAMED of seeing you change your profile~


Update from Bandlandia. Fall Out Boy has postponed the release date of M A  N   I    A to January 19th. The tour is still on though, so if you have tickets or want tickets, the tour was not cancelled. As of now anyway, let's all hope that doesn't change. What I'm hoping is that they drop another single because January is a long time from now.