
Guys. My Nash fanfics are so CRINGEY it makes me cry looking at them. I actually hate them so much. 


I still get loads of messages and votes on them. If people are still reading them I'm going to leave them for their enjoyment. As a writer even reading some of my work from a few days ago seems cringey. I'm always improving I can't just delete something I worked so hard on no matter how much I want to. 


@montanaxrose why dont you delete them then?


Guys. My Nash fanfics are so CRINGEY it makes me cry looking at them. I actually hate them so much. 


I still get loads of messages and votes on them. If people are still reading them I'm going to leave them for their enjoyment. As a writer even reading some of my work from a few days ago seems cringey. I'm always improving I can't just delete something I worked so hard on no matter how much I want to. 


@montanaxrose why dont you delete them then?


I cried so hard at the end of My Brother Nash literally you brought to me to tears and out of all the books I had read with Nash  and Matt never brought Me this emotional so I give a big props too you for making an awesome book that brought me to having an sweater sleeve so soaked lol and then the plot twist omg I cried of joy thanking she wasn't dead but then I cried even more when her sister when out with Matt and got hit by a car like wow that could've been her if she went man...  I love you so much Montana lol idk why I'm saying this but this is the best book I read so far only if you could see me crying so damn hard I think I Never cried like that before 