
WELl i havent written at all bcuz i cant concentrate on writing and school. (im not a good multitasker lol) anywasys schools about to b out and im gonna start writing again!!


Hey girl!! Yea we are still together :) it's been a year and 2 months now and I love him so much! I took law, drama, performing arts and English at college. That's why. I'm still doing the acting stuff but law as we'll. so what's going on with you lately?


@natbabe Hey i know its been years but i randomly decided to login to my old account! Do you still get on here? would love to catch up! 


wow lol its been ages since i talked to you!! college is so busy!! those free periods i have on a tuesday are now filled with lots and lots of work to do lol. taking law was a BIG mistake lol :/ ive got a boyfriend! finally lol he is my first real boyfriend and we have been together for 4 months now :) hes amazing!! he really is :') anyway what have you been up to? xxxxxxxx 


DT is design technology and ICT is information computer technology. basicly DT is like your woodshop. we make like bird houses and stuff like that :/ and ICT is all about computers and spreadsheets and stuff like that. its kinda boring :/ ive started college now :) im doin this message in my study period which basically means i have no lessons right now :) hahaha on a tuesday i come in at 8 45 but i dont have a lesson till 2pm!!! its so borin! so i just stay in the cafe and talk to my friends :) yeh we do loads moresubjects as well./ im doiin law, sociology drama and performing arts now for A level :) its pretty good so far! loads more freedom :) xxxxxxxxx


ohhhhh! i get it now! oh and what's the difference between our classes and yours? okay ill list all the classes i can think of at the minute :) im in school at the minute but ive got a free lesson in ict :) so theres maths, english, science, music, drama, DT, ICT, PE, food tech, buisness, child pyscology, dance, music tech, pychology,socialogy, performing arts, triple award science, double award science umm.....i cant think of anymore at the minute. but those are afew. what kind of subjects do you have?
          natalie xxxxxxxx


wow thats wierd! over here if we fail a class then we just go out of school without that GCSE. 24 classes?!?!?! we dont have that many!! i have 9 classes all together!! english, maths, science, ICT, music, drama, PE, learning for life and art. 
          we do about 24 subjects until we are 13/14 and then we drop them all and take our options (what we are going to take at GCSE) I chose art, ICT, drama and music but all the rest are manditory :( haha and he sounds cute and athletic ;) hope it works out for you. nobody in my life at the minute except my firends and family. just focussing on school. my last year is important so no time to fool around. must revise every night for 4 hours ....ugh!! hahah so anyway how has life been???? having fun? 
          natalie xxxx


wow girl! you move through boys fast!!! haha well yeh im going to collegde :) excited!!! haha so tell me about him!! is he cute? is he nice? i wanna know everything! im finishing all my GCSE's now. im on easter holidays now but when i go back (in 2 weeks) ill have 5 weeks left :) then i go on study leave and then im done with high school for good!!! hahah. there was this girls that moved here from america this year. she is a year older than all of us but she has had to come into our year to get GCSE's to get into college :P we dont hold people back years like you guys do so its really wierd to have a 17 year old mixed in with all of us :/ do you all get like held back years and stuff?? i hurd that you do if you fail your exams. and what is summer school by the way? i always here about it in films but i dont actually know what it is??? sorry for all the questions but we havnt talked in ages and i have alot that i have saved up ;) hahah anyway.....
          write back soon
          natalie xxxxxxxxx


wow!! really? whats he like? and yeh its amazing!!!! you have to go and see it!! its mine soon too! jan 16th :) i just r4ealised that its been over a year since we first spoke cause i remember us talking about turning 15 remember? haha im just getting ready to go to college this year!! so excited!!! write back!! love natalie xxx