
Thank you for reading Wild! I hope you’re enjoying it and can’t wait to hear what you think ❤️


@moonpie_101 oh fun questions!! ALL THE TIME! One thing that has helped me a ton is to try and get a rough outline of my book before I start writing, that way even if I don’t feel super creative, I at least have my blueprint to work from. I also won’t force it - if I’ve written half a page and I’m unhappy because it’s not going well, then I’ll take a break! 
            I always find inspiration in music! I create playlists for each story I write and that’s all I’ll listen to when I write that book, that way I’m sticking in that mindset for that book! 


@kjobrien thank you. So I wanted to ask if you ever struggle with writer's block and if you do, what do you do to come over it? How do you find inspiration? ❤