
I would like to say that i have said many insensitive and offensive things in the past that i did not know where wrong at the time because i had just gotten on the internet and was 9-11. I have said many bad things in comment sections that i cant find to delete but i just wanna say sorry for them and i wouldn't dream of saying them again. I first got on here when i was 9 or 10 and would read a ton of fics from then to 12. I didnt know what was right from wrong and i was young and stupid. I no longer ship frerard or any other ships i read on here. I will not be deleting this account because of all the people i met on here but i had rly been considering it the past few weeks. Im sorry, thank you for reading.


I would like to say that i have said many insensitive and offensive things in the past that i did not know where wrong at the time because i had just gotten on the internet and was 9-11. I have said many bad things in comment sections that i cant find to delete but i just wanna say sorry for them and i wouldn't dream of saying them again. I first got on here when i was 9 or 10 and would read a ton of fics from then to 12. I didnt know what was right from wrong and i was young and stupid. I no longer ship frerard or any other ships i read on here. I will not be deleting this account because of all the people i met on here but i had rly been considering it the past few weeks. Im sorry, thank you for reading.


We're makin a new gc on insta, put ur instas in the comments and ill add ya 


@TobyKLover ayyy not it all good i just followed u

