
So, a year has passed since I finished writing my first book, and regrettably, I am still working on the special chapter. Nevertheless, I will publish it as soon as I can! Thank you for 31k reads! <3


OMG! I had no idea it had been a year since I released "Wild Fire," my debut novel. Congratulations on your one-year anniversary, Wild Fire! Is this an indication that I should write another novel? Hmm..


Also, many thanks for the 22k reads. I took a break, and a lot has happened since then. I am eternally grateful to each and every one of you <2+1


hi everyone ! I know I’ve been MIA lately and that’s because I already started school and I need to focus very well on my studies . The lack of motivation with writing is also hitting me right now so I’m not entirely delighted with that . I won’t promise anything but I’ll try and create another story by the time I’m not as busy as I am recently . Thank you ^______^