
guys! here’s a little PSA about a change I’m making to my account: I will no longer be writing one-shots. :( I just don’t have the necessary time and energy to commit to them at this time. I apologize. Xx


@mrs_styles_007 *days later* will you ever do them again, though..? I was really hoping to read the one I requested ❤


guys! here’s a little PSA about a change I’m making to my account: I will no longer be writing one-shots. :( I just don’t have the necessary time and energy to commit to them at this time. I apologize. Xx


@mrs_styles_007 *days later* will you ever do them again, though..? I was really hoping to read the one I requested ❤


Hello, again, people! I've been hard at work with things for uni, and I've been quite stressed recently; hence the extra long absence. I apologise for being gone for so long! I hope to get back to writing soon! Kiss kiss, love you all!! .x


@mrs_styles_007 everyone is so busy, including myself. I wish school was easier to handle sdjdndkd :'(((


Hello, loves! I've gone on hiatus for a brief time for some personal reasons, but I'm hoping to be able to write for you all sometime soon! I know I still owe @_NiamsDirection_ a one shot ;) Kiss kiss, love you all!! .x


@mrs_styles_007 ❤❤❤ Your smut is really good, from what I've seen, so it's definitely worth the wait for some Roniam smut :') ❤


@mrs_styles_007 I am being very patient! Don't worry about it :) ❤❤


Hey, guys!!! Sorry for disappearing for awhile! I've been super duper busy with uni and all that good stuff, so I haven't had hardly any free time to come back and write for you all; I apologise! Hopefully I'll have a small chunk of time to myself so that I can get a new one shot up. No promises, but I'll try! If you have any comments/questions/concerns/requests, PM me or reply to this post! Love you all .x


Hello, all! My [quite extended] leave of absence was not anticipated by either you nor I, I'm sure, but hopefully I'll be returning soon!! My summer holiday begins in 48 business days, and to be completely honest, I don't think I've ever been so ready for a break in my life. Now, I can't exactly make any promises on a definite date of return, but I can surely say that I'll be trying my absolute hardest to work on something fresh for you all to read! Many kisses from me to you!! .x


Good afternoon!! I've been MIA for awhile, right? If you're curious why, I explain it for you in my rant book, which is actually a really interesting chapter... As for my other ongoing works, I'm gonna try my best to write some more, but I can't promise anything. Love you all!! .x