
Check it out :) i wanted to finish it before publishing, been working on it for a while. put my heart and soul into this. all of it is edited. already working on the sequel. 


It’s been months and I know I haven’t updated rainy days but honestly I kinda got sick of it, but I’ve had a lot of free time lately and I’m think about starting it again. I have so many ideas I just lost motivation to update, despite the attention it’s been getting. I started the book thinking no one was gonna really read it but it’s been so long and all of you are still so invested and I’m so glad. I’ve never thought of myself as a good writer, but you guys have given me a lot of confidence and I’m getting better everyday. I’ve always loved writing and believe it or not I actually hate my English class. Maybe it’s the teacher idk, but I’ll always find comfort in writing. That you all for sticking with me and my road to finding motivation again.  I know no one really asked me to write this whole paragraph, but I always find comfort in expressing my thoughts here on this platform. Love you all❤️


it’s been 3 months, but i’ve finally updated rainy days!! it’s a very short chapter but i recommend you read the authors note at the end. if you do check this out please be sure to vote and comment your thoughts! also, if you’re a peter parker fan i’ve got a story published called “the witch” and currently has 11 chapters up at the moments. thank you all for your support and i’ll talk you you all later. until then, mschubert


we hit 8,000 reads on rainy days! thank you all so much, when i started the book i didn’t really think anyone would be this interested in it cause honestly i started it just for fun and i love that people are into it. i remember when it got its first few reads and i was so happy i practically published every other day because you guys made me so excited i wanted to continue the story and even though i don’t publish as often i still feel that same rush and excitement, except now i take more time to carefully think out the plot and then to more carefully and hopefully write a better chapter and less grammar and spelling errors lol. i’ve come along way with my writing since i started this in april and i look forward to continuing to grow. 
          side note: i’ve been wanting to start another book/fanfic and would love to hear any of your suggestions, i’m a very opened minded person and i really want to hear your request. also, if you have any other suggestions for the plot of rainy day or anything like that my dm’s are always open. and if i do end up using one of your plot ideas don’t worry i’ll gladly give you the credit one of my biggest pet peeves is people stealing other people’s ideas and not giving credit where it’s due. 
          love you all, sorry this message turned out super long but i hope it was worth it. see you all very soon.


hey guys! i got my cast off today so expect some updates soon!!!!! i won’t be able to update as frequently as i was over the summer because school has started
          but i will for sure update at least once a week but i’m aiming for twice a week. thank y’all for being patient i know it’s been a long 4 weeks but i’m back now :)))


hey guys! i don’t know how many of you read these, but i just wanted to explain why i haven’t updated rainy days in a while. basically, when i’m writing chapters, i need my laptop with me. i use it to watch greys anatomy on netflix while i type out the story. i do this so i can follow the dialogue and story line. i’m a bit of a perfectionist and don’t like leaving loose ends. lately, i haven’t been at home therefore i don’t have my laptop with me. i’ve written as much as i can without it, but i don’t want to be inaccurate to the tv show because if i was it would really bother me. i hope y’all understand and know that i haven’t forgotten about you and i fully intend on continuing the story. love you all and i’ll see you later!