
hi everyone! im back!
          	unfortunately, and as hard as i tried, i was unable to get the smuts back. i still have some posted on my inkitt, but as of right now im not completely sure i will continue writing.
          	for right now, though, i've started a new fanfiction! it is a long-term story based on stiles! chapter one is posted now if you are interested!
          	im sorry again for all of my smuts being deleted. im working to get better each and every day, and hopefully i'll begin to write again. we will see how it plays out!
          	i hope you read my new fanfic! love you all <3


@xkathxcolex it does help! message me with more info to figure out how to get them to me! thank you so much!! <3


@mswilheminavenable hey, just thought I should tell you, again that i still can see all the smuts and they aren't deleted for me. If that helps?


hun it’s okay, you put a lot of work into your story and now it’s gone. you have a right to be upset. take your time, we’ll be here to help.


hi everyone! im back!
          unfortunately, and as hard as i tried, i was unable to get the smuts back. i still have some posted on my inkitt, but as of right now im not completely sure i will continue writing.
          for right now, though, i've started a new fanfiction! it is a long-term story based on stiles! chapter one is posted now if you are interested!
          im sorry again for all of my smuts being deleted. im working to get better each and every day, and hopefully i'll begin to write again. we will see how it plays out!
          i hope you read my new fanfic! love you all <3


@xkathxcolex it does help! message me with more info to figure out how to get them to me! thank you so much!! <3


@mswilheminavenable hey, just thought I should tell you, again that i still can see all the smuts and they aren't deleted for me. If that helps?


hun it’s okay, you put a lot of work into your story and now it’s gone. you have a right to be upset. take your time, we’ll be here to help.


i really can’t even begin to explain how upset i am. 
          not only did i write these chapters for other people, but i wrote them for myself. i want to be honest with you all: it’s been a very, very hard couple of weeks. over the course of several months, my mental health has steadily declined. i was in the hospital at one point, and in just a few days i am being checked into a mental hospital on partial treatment. 
          my writing was one of my largest coping mechanisms. writing chapters for you guys gave me joy like no other. i have worked so hard and my writing has improved astronomically. i was building a community that i felt truly safe and loved in. 
          unfortunately, within a matter of moments, the house i had built for myself collapsed on me. i don’t know what i am going to do or where to go from here. maybe, sometime in the near future, i will begin to write again. as far as writing currently, i cannot see myself doing so. 
          i am heartbroken. i have contact wattpad, although i do not believe i will have any success. i am so so sorry to you all. i know how much you enjoyed my chapters. thank you for making me feel so safe, loved, and welcome. thank you for helping me discover a part of myself that truly feels right. thank you for supporting me through everything. it’s been almost a year since i began writing, and never did i think i would get this far. i am beyond grateful, but also beyond angry and hurt at our loss. 
          i hope to recover from this & my other mental declines soon. if any of you need anything, never hesitate to message me. i will still be around and i am ALWAYS here for you guys. 
          i love you all so very much. 


 I hope you get better ml❤️. I’m here even if you decide to never write again✨. 


nevermind i was looking at someone else’s sorry:((


i can still view and read them in my library though? is it a glitch?


oh my god
          all of my smuts are gone :(
          i was unable to get them all over to inkitt in time 
          i have only 10 of them in there. 
          well, it’s been quite the ride. i don’t really know where to go from here. as to whether or not i’ll keep writing, i’m not sure. if i am going to write, it will be on inkitt. but it’s been a very hard couple of weeks for me. 
          thank you all so very much for the support. i will forever be grateful. i am so so upset that all of my smuts are gone. i cant even begin to explain how defeated i am. hours upon hours of work vanished. 
          i love you all so much! i am so sorry for this. thank you for supporting me & loving me endlessly <3


I downloaded Inkitt and followed you, I’m not even gonna delete it even if you decide not to write them anymore. I’ll just be following for the fun of it! 


fcking wattpad 


@mswilheminavenable I'm so sorry. I already dowlanded Inkitt. Your smuts were one of the only ones that I actually read. Please keep writing. 


hi guys! i am SO sorry for being inactive! it’s been a loooong couple of weeks. 
          i probably won’t upload until next weekend unfortunately. this week is when my musical is showing and i am apart of it! therefore, i am busy as FREAK all week/weekend. i will upload asap, i promise!
          thank you all for being so patient with me. i love you guys more than you’ll ever know!


hi guys!! i began to move my stories to Inkitt! everything about the stories and my account is the exact same - username, title, everything. 
          in the case that my smuts on wattpad do get taken down, i am hoping to have all of them moved to that app! 
          i only have about 10 chapters of my teen wolf smut uploaded right now, but i am working on putting all of them on there. 
          feel free to follow me on inkitt! if the smuts do get taken down, i will post on here with my username as a reminder! 
          take care! love you all so much <3


@mswilheminavenable I already dowlanded the app so now just to go and read your smuts


@mswilheminavenable Thanks for the heads up :3


hi everyone! i just posted 2 new smuts on both my teen wolf story and my star wars story!
          in a previous post on my board, i was notified that wattpad will be removing all smuts :( 
          this makes me so sad! if anyone as ANY app recommendations of where i could post my smuts, please let me know asap before they are all deleted! 
          i love you all, and if they are deleted before i get a chance to move them, i apologize in advance. <33


thank you both!! i will look into both of your suggestions <3


@mswilheminavenable I pre-write my stuff on my google account


@mswilheminavenable maybe you could put them on Inkitt 


i just wanted to ask if you have any other way of posting because wattpad was bought by webtoon and to make this app more child friendly they are deleting all smuts


do you have any app recommendations of to where i could post my smuts? i want to do this asap before all of my works are deleted :((


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oh shit!!! noooo


what did you guys think of the void stiles chapter? it was definitely different from what i normally write but i’m trying to broaden my horizons and make chapters that i will appeal to different things! 
          your feedback is very much wanted <3 
          i love you all!


It was *chefs kiss* im obsessed with it


this message may be offensive
@mswilheminavenable  fucking great plz make more