
Since chapter 4 never was able to be published, I will give you a short summary.  The uninvited guest was Ultron and he asked her if she blames herself for the accident. She screams knocking out the Avengers and killings Ultron. She passes out due to the energy and soon Mattheo falls asleep on Tom with Y/n. They bring them both to your room to sleep and Tom sleeps on the couch. That's mostly it! 


Since chapter 4 never was able to be published, I will give you a short summary.  The uninvited guest was Ultron and he asked her if she blames herself for the accident. She screams knocking out the Avengers and killings Ultron. She passes out due to the energy and soon Mattheo falls asleep on Tom with Y/n. They bring them both to your room to sleep and Tom sleeps on the couch. That's mostly it!