
I know a lot of you want me to update and I PROMISE I will. But my main focus has been working to save up for college in the fall and a lot has happened, I’ve rarely had the energy to write anything. I always try. But I can feel it coming soon…please don’t give up n me. Lyon will return, I promise!


@ myakmorris  Don't worry, I'm still waiting ❤️


Thanks so much I love the book and I love you too you are awesome and amazing at your writing and I hope you continue to please us with your writing and books you are just the best writer that I have so far read a book from


I know a lot of you want me to update and I PROMISE I will. But my main focus has been working to save up for college in the fall and a lot has happened, I’ve rarely had the energy to write anything. I always try. But I can feel it coming soon…please don’t give up n me. Lyon will return, I promise!


@ myakmorris  Don't worry, I'm still waiting ❤️


Can you please update Disturbance I love the series and I was hoping that you could not only update it but also start a third book starring Lyon's nestmate and brother if you could do that I would love it more than anything


I promise I’m not leaving it


I’m working on figuring out the plot! I have a lot of ideas, but I’m trying to make it a plan


          pls help me ;=;
          i really
          Need help ;=;


@myakmorris omg thank you so much
            If you find any more storys tell me
            And also if you ever start a story about the things i say tell me when you're ready :3


@Goiaba2010 Okay! I worked quicker than expected and I think I found some from my library that I forgot about and then a few others that I am going to read myself. Let me know what you think... about the Aquarium aspect... I found some captured merpeople ones but am not sure if that is what you were looking for. Again, let me know what you think!!
            1. Exhibit: Adam by Cags1987
            2. Deep Blue Sea by WorldWriter_1
            3. Captivity by Mercedes0606
            4. Captivity by mochismilk 


@Goiaba2010  hmm there are not a whole lot of zoo/aquarium ones that I know of actually. MOST pet stories are alien-orientated and the VERY few ones that you are looking for are only just a few chapters short and not very good. I actually have none in my library that would help... I can definitely look around though. Give me a few days and let me see what I can come up with


I have three books in total planned for this series…but since I’ve spent so much energy with Interference, I’ve needed just a break. And then some stuff happened and I just started my first week back at college. I promise, promise I’ll get the next chapter posted, and I promise that Lyon will let go of his anxiety one day. I’m working on the next chapter…I’ve just had writer’s block and changed it so many times since the series is now getting into the war and protest aspects instead of just a pet story. It will be good and still involve Lyon a whole lot! Don’t worry, I got you! 


Thanks so much for adding The Hunted One to your reading list.  I really appreciate it and hope you’ll enjoy it.  This is the first story I’ve ever written so I’d love a PM to let me know what you think.  Thanks again my new Wattpad friend…