
hopefully one day im living in manhattan new york as a successful musician- one of the biggest names in the world. im currently 14, reminiscing on certain days but also looking forward to the future and growing up


don't really have a lot of motivation to update today. ive written some of chapter six but im not in the state of mind to write a full chapter like i usually do. it'll be up tomorrow or saturday - definitely by the end of the week. 
          on a more personal note, i started up a music account on tik tok to show off my piano, guitar & singing. not sure if im that talented but if like to be in the music industry when im older and then i thought that i best start now if im gunner get anywhere.


spent the morning editing through the chapters - mainly one and two, you might wanna re-read the first chapter especially at the end when harrys story is explained but you dont have to. im gunner speed things up because i want the chapters to be interesting - not just the same nonsense everytime.
          how are you liking it so far, could i get some opinions pls??
          also i wanna start going in from the other boys perspectives but because its still early its quite tricky.


i think, maybe, that writing is my new favourite thing. also i love ur comments sm i love this


@myariesmelody your writing is my favorite thing


Sammmee, I just published the first chapter of my first story and like, I didn’t know writing was so relaxing ;)


i was planning on uploading chapter three tonight, i've spent the last hour trying to finish it, but im still ill and i feel sick and i just wanna read a book and go to sleep. itll definetely be up tomorrow because im nearly done but rn im just exhausted and can barely form a sentence. im sorry.


HI MY LOVELY'S, i'm ill at the moment but tomorrow i plan on uploading chapter 2 & 3. just letting you know also that i'm not going to be planning / uploading any other stories until foster kids is complete because then i abandon one story and forget about it and it becomes a cycle haha.