
Sorry y'all, been busy with current events, it's been long since I was online. don't expect too much on me posting tho, after all, this will probably be happening another time, sorry or my very long absence!


I've abandoned this account, but I'm back anywaysssss


@MyKiwiIsSoKawai2  This is Indeed my new account. HOPE I COULD MAKE NEW MOMENTS WITH YALL!!!!


Hey can u read my books and promote them if u do I will follow u and read ur books 
          Please I am not getting any new reads can you tell people about my story The Stones it's new since about three days ago
          Again I'm not getting any new reads can you please tell ur followers about my book? If u agree I will follow as well and read ur books 
          Actually I am already following
          So plzzz?? Thanksss