


Hey watsup!! My name is Kiley but you can call me Dani!! In my profile thingy it explains why. Fallswimmer is a person who I fanned and I saw this so I thought I might check you out!! you sound like an awesome person and we are around the same age. I have been on since November of last year but have read tons of stories and know my way around super well. 
          So to answer your question: yes you can! AFter you publish your story it will take you to its page and up in the middle right you will see some buttons. One of them is Edit. Click on it and you can edit and save and all your readers will see the Editted version. However I just write my chapters on Microsoft Word and copy it to the uploading page. It works just as well and I don't have to go back and read it.
          When You type your stories or chapters you just type and there isn't anything to help you type and spell, so no spell check so you have to do it all your self.
          Anyways if you need help I am also here. I have some pretty cool po3ms and some good stories. There are all like fantasy. I have vampires, werewolves, and even mer-people!!! So yah!! Byeeee!!  =D - Dani


          My name is Ali and I am an Ambassador here at Wattpad. Hopefully you have been having fun so far. If you need help please don’t hesitate to send me a message. I will try my hardest to answer it to the best of my ability. 
          Good luck with any writing projects. 