
Hello, Myth & Legend Lovers!
          	What adventures will you take your characters on next? You have three and a half weeks to submit your Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 entries to the The Six Realms of API Fantasy contest!
          	Checkpoint 1 Deadline: August 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST
          	Submission Forms:


Hello, Myth & Legend Lovers!
          What adventures will you take your characters on next? You have three and a half weeks to submit your Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 entries to the The Six Realms of API Fantasy contest!
          Checkpoint 1 Deadline: August 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST
          Submission Forms:


Hello, Myth & Legend Lovers!
          Far in the east of Indonesia, known as East coast there's a legend of Queen of Southern Island, known as Kadita or familiar in Indonesia as Nyi Roro Kidul. It said that Kadita will take everyone that wearing green when they're visiting southern sea. What do you think about this legend?


@mythandlegend I don't know this legend, but when I Hearn that Kadita will take everyone that wears green, instantly thought of the luck of the Irish! Two different legends/ myths, but I'd assume it has to so with being lucky. 


@ mythandlegend  As Indonesian, I do love this story of Princess Kadita. She's not just a beauty and strong woman... there's a great story about her.  


Hello, Myth & Legend Lovers!
          What adventures will you take your characters on next? You have four and a half weeks to submit your Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 entries to the The Six Realms of API Fantasy contest!
          Checkpoint 1 Deadline: August 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST
          Submission Forms:


Hello, Myth & Legend Lovers! 
          We are back with a Question of the Week: In Indonesia there's a famous legend about dangerous love from Java called Legend of Prambanan Temple. Have you heard this about this legend before?


@mythandlegend I just looked up this information on the Internet and the following is what I found:
            The Legend of Roro Jonggrang is basically what this is about.  It is a story of love and betrayal, the warrior and the cursed princess. 
            It also explains the mythical origin of the Ratu Boko palace, Sewu temple, and the Durga statue in the Prambanan temple compound.
            The title Roro is an ancient honorific title to address unmarried princesses and female nobility, thus the name Rara Jonggrang in Javanese means 'slender maiden'.
            The legend tells the story of two ancient and neighbouring kingdoms in Java, Pengging, and Boko.
            Pengging was prosperous, and wisely ruled by its King Prabu Damar Moyo. He had a son named Prince Bandung Bondowoso.By contrast, Boko was ruled by a cruel man-eating giant named Prabu Boko. Despite his unpleasant nature, Prabu Boko had a beautiful daughter named Roro Jonggrang.
            In short,  Prabu Boko desired to expand his kingdom, and so began training an army and raising taxes for an invasion of Pengging. His forces launched a surprise attack on Pengging, and the ensuing war caused devastation and famine on both sides. To defeat the invader, Prabu Damar Moyo sent his son Bandung Bondowoso to fight Prabu Boko. After a furious battle, Prabu Boko is killed by the prince's supernatural powers.  Then the Prince sets his eyes on the beautiful princess, & pleads to have her marry him. She refuses, until she comes up with a plan. The prince must build so many structures in one day to show how deeply he loves her. However, during the Prince's building, the Princess came up with deceitful tricks to kill him, but to her astonishment, his superpowers were able to thwart her foolishness. After, he found out about her antics, he placed a curse on her and  turned her into stone. In this way she became a feature of the final temple, completing its construction and fulfilling the conditions for their union.


Hello, Myth & Legend Lovers!
          What adventures will you take your characters on next? You have five and a half weeks to submit your Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 entries to the The Six Realms of API Fantasy contest!
          Checkpoint 1 Deadline: August 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST
          Submission Forms:


Hello, Myth & Legend Lovers!
          We are seeking new stories to feature on our The Aesir: Norse Mythology & Asian Myths and Legends reading lists. If you have a story featuring Norse or Asian mythology and it has not been recently featured/or is currently featured, we encourage you to consider submitting your story via our submission form:


Hello, Myth & Legend Lovers! 
          In the Heavenly Realm where stars weave tales of the holy and old,
          The galaxies hum a celestial song.
          From the Four Seas to the Four Wildernesses, heaven's embrace is something to behold,
          Where time is long and the Gods' will is forever strong.
          We are pleased to announce a new collaborative event: The Six Realms of API Fantasy. In this choose your adventure inspired contest, you will be tasked with navigating through six levels of the Heavenly Realm (nine if you are up for the bonus level challenges) before each checkpoint closes.
          Checkpoint 1 Deadline: August 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST
          Submission Forms:


Hello, Myth & Legend Lovers! 
          We are back with a Question of the Week: Do you think you'd be able to overcome the labors of Hercules?


@mythandlegend I'm kind of a weakling, so no way XD


@mythandlegend Just read the story of the 12 labors Hercules had accomplished in the service of King Eurystheus. It's new to me as I haven't read all the Greek stories, but I would say there is no way I could capture the Cretan Bull. Those animals run fast and I am slow.


@mythandlegend - I'm autistic, and olfactory hypersensitivities are part of my neurological wiring, so I think I'd have to nope out of cleaning the Augean Stables.


Hello, Myth & Legend Lovers! 
          We are back with a Question of the Week: If you were the main character of your story and you had to fight a mythical beast, would you choose a broken legendary shield or a haunted evil sword?


@mythandlegend A haunted evil sword. King Arthur (Excalibur) and "the sword in the stone" came into mind. I'd be a woman warrior fighting the ferocious beast! Question is how evil that sword is. I have a feeling that even though you slay the "dragon", he'll be back!


@mythandlegend I'd go with the haunted evil sword. I'm not too sure what to do with the shield, and I'd be worried that "broken" might negate "legendary". Besides, if I have an evil sword, maybe that'll up my intimidation factor.


@mythandlegend Most definitely the broken legendary shield.  Protection and such because I would even know how to use a sword.