@naa_torsh hi, thanks for reading. I'll finish it before the year ends. My plan is to resume this February, and continue until it's done (if my laptop doesn't give me problems hopefully). I've already written the first draft. But it's very raw and needs revisions. Which is why I haven't published it yet. I don't feel comfortable publishing such raw first drafts (maybe I'll try it in the future with other books). But right now, I have to polish it before publishing. So that will take a couple of months to get ready. But I assure you it will be ready long before the year ends. Maybe by June. Or less, if my computer doesn't crash on me again (it kinda does every first week of a new month. I don't know why. But it slows me down).
I really need to get it over with so I can start a new story. So sure, go right ahead and read Book 1. Book 2 will definitely be ready. I'm fact, now that you've brought it up, it will even encourage me to work on it.