
The Epigraph for Thr Antithesis of Lonely is up if you want to get a feel of the book!


Okay, real talk now, I need y'alls help. Should I go with "The Antithesis of Lonely" or "Alone, Actually" for my new book. I currently have 1 vote to 3 from my friends but I'm still stuck.
          If you can't tell, the premise is that the main character is lonely lol


Can someone please explain to me why and how Tessa and Hardin's relationship can be received so positively when it's not. Like I'm actually confused and worried


@nadi_binitie I don't care for their idea of "love" either. It's completely toxic and something that's been glorified for years. Which - I too don't understand.
            I mean a bad boy can still be bad without some of the crap he does.


A Dance of Life has finally gotten an update! And we're still waiting for WP to allow proper emojis, haha. Anyway, spray the confetti!!!
          I'll be uploading 2 chapters every day cause most times I split one chapter into two for the sake of WP. That means we only have abt 6 chapters left to be uploaded. :'-(
          So sad this journey is ended, but I can't prolong it any longer