
It's been a hot minute.  Brain Dead is under construction because I believe that after having it released for over a year, I can write it much better than I had.


I have a couple of avid readers now, so I feel I can announce that chapter 5 of Brain Dead is currently in the works! I'm so excited! I'm unsure when it will be out because I'm busy, but it will be a priority once everything on my plate has been sorted. I have a lot of plans for this book, and it's going to be a wild ride, so please stay and continue on this journey with me and thank you for the support!!!


It's late by over a month, but I'm nearly ready for releasing Chapter 4 of Brain Dead yay!!!


@nadiarhysen Oh well in that case, that's cool then!


It's all good, Ravenclaws are known to be witty and creative, while also being intelligent. These three things imo contribute to being smart, and it isn't a matter of how many Maths problems one can solve!


@nadiarhysen btw I’m a ravenclaw but idk why cuz I’m not smart