
Hola!  I have chosen to re-write CK because I felt it was unorganized and I just didn't like it. I know I should have planned more before I started writing but I didn't. Now I kinda know what's going on so I will have a better idea on how this works. Thanks for the support and happy Sunday! 


@natileexoxo take your time; excited for your work!!


Hola!  I have chosen to re-write CK because I felt it was unorganized and I just didn't like it. I know I should have planned more before I started writing but I didn't. Now I kinda know what's going on so I will have a better idea on how this works. Thanks for the support and happy Sunday! 


@natileexoxo take your time; excited for your work!!


Hello my beautiful people! I actually have 2 things I have to tell yall so;)
          1st: I need to thank my beautiful amazing best friend @yoursmaansi for making me a story cover! It's so pretty and I'm obsessed. I absolutely love your book and you are an amazing friend! I love the story cover so much, thank you bae !<3
          2nd: I will no longer be posting every Sunday. I get to overwhelmed trying to make sure I have a chapter done in time so that's why the chapters are so short. I will post a chapter whenever I'm done writing it. I might not be able to post every week and for that I apologize and I'll try and post as much as I can! 
          Ily so much<3


@natileexoxo awh ily pretty!! and your welcome; also don’t stress take your time<3