Old account was live4bacon. Logged out once and couldn't remember login, so don't follow that weirdo (Funny enough, this is my second time doing this, therefore this is my third Wattpad account... don't try to find the original). 

I've been reading on Wattpad since the fifth grade. Ah middle school, what an era... I remember going home after school and going straight to my room, grabbing my tablet, and going to Wattpad's website to read One Direction vampire fanfics before doing homework. What a good time in my life I wish to go back to.

I don't come here as often anymore. Now, in college studying in the middle of a pandemic, there's never enough time in the day. But I do come back when I need to get away from this chaotic and stressful thing called Life. Nowadays, I'm desperate for an escape.

PS: Hit me up if you know any good stories with a person of color as the main character.
PSS: Oh, and I took that picture for my profile. I'm so professional; am I right or am I right?
  • JoinedJune 20, 2016

8 Reading Lists