
Help my eyes are shaking ! Auugh 


this message may be offensive
          This website literally took all of my stories without my permission and posted them like what the hell ask me first before doing that shit! Like this pisses me off and not to mention I don’t know how to contact with the owner of the website considering it’s all in Vietnamese! What do I do! You guys! Can Wattpad help me or should I not stress about it!?


So I’m watching star vs the forces of evil and I was wondering how Tom the demon dude was born and I was like huh? Who are his parents? Next thing you know the episode Comes on and I see his parents and the mom is a giant demon while his dad is a human and I’m like did they do know and now I want to forget that I ever thought about that...


“Just finished season 5 of the seven deadly sins earlier today and  it was a very shocking season indeed let me know what you think of it if you watch it I wanna know you’re thoughts and opinions I’m not gonna force you to tell me but I would love to hear what you think about it.” 