
i promise i’ll be back soon guys! finals and getting sick have been stopping me from being active! 


the day i stop disappearing is the day the world ends… anywho i’m in the mood to write but i’m also in finals season so i’m in focus mode for studying and it’s kinda killing me. but on the bright side, school’s almost over and i’m almost a graduate!! 


not only am i mad at wattpad, but i’m mad at fafsa for reprocessing my financial aid form three days ago ANDDD for uni for being so expensive 


i’m probably going to go to my state school which isn’t terrible, i actually like it but i wish i could attend my dream school, but there’s always grad school! 


tempted to come back to wattpad, but it’s still just so much to deal with… i’m not even sure i like this app anymore :( but i’m still dealing with some personal issues so i’ll see if i ever feel up to posting or interacting lolz 


really sad fact but i literally cannot find it in me to post, like anywhere. i’m just constantly worrying about how people will react to my posts and now i don’t find any enjoyment in putting anything out there. it might also be because of the stuff i’ve been dealing with offline but i’m at a loss for what to do. i know i always say this but until i’m feeling better i’ll keep my books on hold and only really come on to interact with mutuals and sometimes read. i’m not sure if anyone will read this, but if you do, thanks. :) 


@neoisms i'm so sorry to hear that. take all the time you need and only do what feels right!! have a lovely day!! <3