
Hello! The next chapter for Crescent Phase will be out soon! Please make sure to check it out and share it! Thankyou all for the reads and support c:


I found you today and sat there all day reading it was so engaging this is zombie land but the ending made me cry my eyes out (death isn't my thing) your books are truly amazing and you are just as amazing ^-^


@kenzieyy Aw thank you! That's really kind of you to say! I'm so glad you enjoyed ZL and I hope you enjoy my future books too. ✌❤


Hey everyone! Okay so basically what's going down is that I like Zombie Land, but I don't know.. I've lost all feeling and emotion for the book. But then a few days ago I thought of making a new zombie book that is completely different from ZL, yet, the same. (That makes no sense) Basically I'm gonna write this book, then maybe MAYBE I'll come back to ZL/RL. I hope you all can forgive me, but more importantly I hope you enjoy the new book! Thanks all for the reads and votes!!
          Over and out~