
@BlackCloverxoxo Thanks :)I'm glad you enjoy it. I'm actually editing this story and I am working on a new one as well. I will start uploading again as soon as I am completely finished.l dont want to leave yall hangin with the stories ;) lol. I'm getting there. Thanks for reading :)


          Lol. Actually....she contacted me. Look at my profile page. It shows the message she sent. She asked if i knew any editors and if i dont if i would be able to edit her stories for her. I said that I love editing but have waaaaaaay too much on my plate right now. I said i would edit her first chapter and see how it goes from there (if things letup with my schedule) but I couldnt commit to anything because I could barely keep up with editing one story and write one of my won. lol. 
          You two are both great writers. I so wish i had more time so that i would actually be able to sit down and edit more but again, i know im behind, and i am soooo sorry. I hate it when i commit to something and dont follow through as I planned. I am still editing ch. 9 for you, so hopefully u will have it tomorrow. Take care!