
I feel like I'm going to be attacked when I get out of my house since I'm a minority... I want to go back to my home country, never wanted to be in america but I had no choice because school. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, I'm a citizen by birth, but raised in African culture...and I want to go back to my family there and be happy and safe.


I feel like I'm going to be attacked when I get out of my house since I'm a minority... I want to go back to my home country, never wanted to be in america but I had no choice because school. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, I'm a citizen by birth, but raised in African culture...and I want to go back to my family there and be happy and safe.


That awkward moment when you're reading this comment to find an awkward moment but there isn't any, and still you're reading this comment and you're starting to realise it says nothing important and you just wasted a couple of seconds of your life but you're still reading and you don't even know why. That's awkward... You should give me a like for wasting you're time and you're gonna copy and paste this.


Do you want to work on the Dbz x trunks story together? my specialty is horror but this story is worth a try.


Okay.... I don't know how this works. I'll work on it.


@ProxyHorror you can have it if you want lol I'm working on another project on ao3/


Honestly what's the point of updating stories when people don't even comment to tell me what they want? I mean I'm writing for myself and you guys, so please don't complain about my lack of updates when my readers aren't even interested in giving me motivation.


@Zayabel13 Your welcome. I truly think you should continue the story. I love it. If you can't get people to tell you what they want then do it yourself. It's your story. Always remember if you tell yourself you can do it you can. Don't let others drag you down.


@Zayabel13 ignore those people that complain. I find it easier to write each part as it comes to me. It took awhile for my story to get 200 views. I think you did a wonderful job. Just do your best. It's the only thing you can do.