
Welcome to wattpad my friend! I sure hope that you will use this website to your advantage and release the inner writer within you. 
          Your friend, Miranda <3
          P.S-and no, I did not make this message any longer because if I did I probably would have been like my weird self(which you know me) and I probably would have said weird things that might have embarrassed you. If this were a private message that none of your followers could see, then I would have chosen to have acted like my weird self. But as since that is not the case, I did not do so. But I personally do not mind if you desire to write weird things on my wall and decide to act like your weird self, as long as it's not TOO weird. But in any case, please do write your stories with all of your heart(like my cheesy cliche line there?), as I would enjoy to read some of your magnificent masterpieces. Thank you for letting me read your writing and stalk you on wattpad :) Please feel free to stalk me as well :)
          Your friend :), Miranda <3 :)
          P.P.S-and yes, I did just sign this letter TWICE :P
          Px99999.S-I don't even want to think about what all went into all of those P.S's right now. Probably something about the two of us hanging out and fangirling over hot anime boys. Or deep conversations about the terms 'coolio' and 'awesomesauce'.
          Okay sorry bye ^_^