
Tagged by @mintyasian08
          	13 facts about me:
          	1) I'm Asian 
          	2) I'm a girl
          	3) I like anime
          	4) I like to dance (to Japanese songs that is)
          	5) I cosplay 
          	6) An anime character that probably relates to me the most would be Umaru
          	7) (For people who read my book) One of the reasons (aside from writer's block) why I don't update EP!PC anymore is because I don't really watch Precure anymore, although I do plan on finishing the book once I find something to write about
          	8) I like watching romance anime for some reason
          	9) Sometimes I watch some anime just for the ships (heh I have a problem)
          	10) My mom said that I watched anime when I was a kid (like Sailor Moon and stuff) but I don't remember it
          	11) I'm a short person and I've only grown an inch in the past year ;~;
          	12) I'm currently trying to teach myself how to write in Japanese
          	13) I say fish, lolcats and random common sense facts a lot for no real reason
          	I'm too lazy to tag people so anyone can do it if they want I guess


Hahaha lolcats you did it! >v<


Tagged by @mintyasian08
          13 facts about me:
          1) I'm Asian 
          2) I'm a girl
          3) I like anime
          4) I like to dance (to Japanese songs that is)
          5) I cosplay 
          6) An anime character that probably relates to me the most would be Umaru
          7) (For people who read my book) One of the reasons (aside from writer's block) why I don't update EP!PC anymore is because I don't really watch Precure anymore, although I do plan on finishing the book once I find something to write about
          8) I like watching romance anime for some reason
          9) Sometimes I watch some anime just for the ships (heh I have a problem)
          10) My mom said that I watched anime when I was a kid (like Sailor Moon and stuff) but I don't remember it
          11) I'm a short person and I've only grown an inch in the past year ;~;
          12) I'm currently trying to teach myself how to write in Japanese
          13) I say fish, lolcats and random common sense facts a lot for no real reason
          I'm too lazy to tag people so anyone can do it if they want I guess


Hahaha lolcats you did it! >v<