
AO3 seems to be working a lot better for my mental health, so for the time being, I'll be switching there. ASITW is on a very long hiatus, due to a complete lack of inspiration, and a sort of switch in fandoms. the only thing I feel really inspired to write about is ML lately, so I've officially decided that I shouldn't force myself to write something I don't want to. that being said, I won't delete it in case I decide to come back and finish it later. if you follow me solely for Nintendo content, I apologize for this, lol. 
          	all of this being said, I'm going to start posting original fiction here instead, so there will be non-fandom content for those of you who aren't interested in ML. thank you for understanding, I hope you're all doing well!


AO3 seems to be working a lot better for my mental health, so for the time being, I'll be switching there. ASITW is on a very long hiatus, due to a complete lack of inspiration, and a sort of switch in fandoms. the only thing I feel really inspired to write about is ML lately, so I've officially decided that I shouldn't force myself to write something I don't want to. that being said, I won't delete it in case I decide to come back and finish it later. if you follow me solely for Nintendo content, I apologize for this, lol. 
          all of this being said, I'm going to start posting original fiction here instead, so there will be non-fandom content for those of you who aren't interested in ML. thank you for understanding, I hope you're all doing well!


For some reason I feel like I owe an apology to my Wattpad followers, though I know it isn't required of me to update frequently. I've been insanely busy for the past few months, and a spout of depression and panic episodes has greatly hindered my desire and ability to write. This has especially tampered with my ability to continue my multiple chapter stories here, and it really bothers me for some reason.
          In any case, I'm going to be posting short stories and minifics to ease back into writing. I hope everyone is doing well, I'm looking forward to be able to read everyone's content again. Thank you all for sticking with me since January.