
Stay at home everyone. We finally have the gift of time so make the most of it. 


I know the timeline of the story might confuse some of you and despite my best efforts to explain everything in all the points of views I still understand how it could feel vague to a few.
          So, Shay and Astrids POV's are in the same time frame as it's all happening around each other but Dean's POV is from a month ago though he will soon catch up. 
          Please comment if you have any other questions and don't forget to vote, share. It really pushes me to write more and update sooner.


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This is my second update in a week and anybody that reads my book knows that's rare. So yay to me for sitting down and getting shit done. 
          Also I'm gonna make this a regular thing.
          I hope you enjoy this chapter. I just finished editing it and its not half bad you guys.
          Of course don't forget to vote, comment, share and all that jazz.
          '"Much love. "'