
I know times are tough
          	 Remember people are there for you
          	You DON’T have to do this alone. Ever.


          You have been chosen to be showered with love, so enjoy!!! ♥
          Now post this back on everyone's wall who you think deserves all the love in the world.
          As your prize, you get:
          - To eat whatever you want today (but don't gorge yourself)
          - Go to bed early today
          - Drink water
          - Look in the mirror and believe you are beautiful
          If you aren't able to do any of these things, that is okay, too. Keep trying, and you'll make it.


Happy New Year!
          Whatever regrets or mistakes you’ve had in the past year, let them all go. Start the New Year fresh and open minded.
          Make new friends. Go explore. Make stronger bonds with your friends and family. Try something new.
          As cliche as it sounds, life your life.
          Hope you had a great 2019, and an even better 2020.